INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS(IPR) – By Megha Malhotra “Owning the intellectual property is like owning land: You need...
List of Free Online Resources Released by top Companies in COVID19 Lockdown. By Nikhil D Prince:– At...
India celebrates its 70th Republic Day. 26 January Advertisement Rajgarh District District RTO office Rajgarh ...
Facebook has become the Google of social networks. If you’re not updating your status right now, chances...
Sec354D Article by:-mahima nayyar This section brings into light the act of staking .Generally Stalking is unwanted...
Cruelty against women with legal provisions of Indian Evidence Act,1872. Article by:-Ashi kaim INTRODUCTION When...
Crime against women: Outraging the modesty Article by:-Masrrat naz .Many crime are prevailing in society nowadays...
Artificial Intelligence: Emerging of Artificial human Article by:-Priyatam bhardwaj Artificial intelligence (herein after...
इंदौर के सबसे बढ़िया रेसटोरेंट्स 1. मेडिटेरा – सयाजी होटल यह इटालियन खाने और मेडिटेरेनियन खाने...
इंदौर में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगह 1. रजवाड़ा रजवाड़ा दो हिस्सों में बटा हैं|पहले हिस्से...