February 10, 2025

Cyber Law Consultant

Cyber crime law consultancy in India.

CYBER CRIMES can be defined as those crimes that involves a computer and a network. They are also called as computer crimes since a computer is used as an instrument to commit crimes such as fraud, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, identity theft and invasion of privacy, and many others.

Cyber law encompasses many different types of law, such as:

-Harassment and stalking
-Freedom of speech
-Trade secrets, etc.

The work of a Cyber Lawyer is to prepare, examine and advocate a case for the client involved in a cybercrime related case. Due to the heavy use of internet technology, the cyber space has also become a place to conduct malicious activities and crimes, so to deal with crimes related to cyber world the lawyers must possess the knowledge of cyber world and this led to a new field of law i.e. cyber law.

Cyber law consultants provide services in following areas.

1-Opinions, Advisories, Litigation (Prosecution & Defense)

2-Cyber Law Compliance


4-Drafting all types of Techno-legal -Agreements for various emerging technologies-based businesses like web, apps, e-commerce, e-governance, cloud computing, mobile computing, grid computing, virtual currency, block chain, IoT, Big data, AIML, Fin-tech, SEO, SMM and others.

5-Preventive Cyber Legal & Information Security Services for managing internal cyber threats from employees, consultants, service providers, and others.

6-Encrypted Storage Services.

7-Cyber Consulting Services for Information Security Practices as per various International & Indian Frameworks like ISO 27001, ISO 22301, GDPR, HIPAA, Indian I.T. Act,2000, PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, RBI cyber security frameworks, NPCI and other relevant standards.

8-Cyber Crime Detection, Investigation and Digital Forensic Services.

9-Electronic Evidence Gathering, Preservation, Hash Value Report and Section 65B Certification services.

10-Full Litigation Support Services for Cyber Crimes in special cyber courts for compensation claims as well in regular courts.