In this #society a #journalist plays a role of criticism and providing voice to every citizen. He...
CORONAVIRUS – “A Dark World in Technology” “As corona-virus is proved to be one of the darkest...
BY KOSHA :- A digital footprint is a path of information you make while utilizing the Internet....
इंदौर के सबसे बढ़िया रेसटोरेंट्स 1. मेडिटेरा – सयाजी होटल यह इटालियन खाने और मेडिटेरेनियन खाने...
इंदौर में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगह 1. रजवाड़ा रजवाड़ा दो हिस्सों में बटा हैं|पहले हिस्से...
INVESTIGATION OF CYBER-CRIMES IN INDIA Penalties, Compensation and Adjudication sections Section 43 – Penalty and Compensation...
Cyber-crime is any criminal activity that involves a computer, networked device or a network. While most cyber-crimes...
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds...
Childhood is a vulnerable state. Funding children for their survival are projects that support legal assistance to...
Cyber space is where an average human spends a considerable amount of his time today. It certainly...