February 11, 2025

25 thoughts on “Social Media Crime over the years

  1. This Article talks about how Social media has evolved from just a small website for a few people to something that could be a source of money. What may seem a favorite past-time for people who use these apps or websites moderately, maybe a major chore for many who are on the verge of its addiction. Sadly, it’s not just us, its literally anyone who can hold a phone, has a good internet speed and can comprehend average communication skills. It would be a foolish assumption if you thought India was a backward nation. We may lag behind in terms of equality, justice and hygiene. It mostly comprises of young minds, some of them still dreadfully attending school.
    Applications changed the way people looked at spending their past time, it became a hobby.
    The invention of these apps brought along with it a new form of crimes and problems. ‘Cyber Crime’ was the term given and the number of complaints has been on the rise ever since. While it was just a breach of privacy or cyberbullying then, now it is more life-threatening due to the profound effect that social media has on the minds of people. People could easily hide behind the concept of anonymity and bully a person, stalk them easily everywhere- even in the virtual world, a more convenient option and hack into their social media accounts to gain access to a plethora of intimate information. This was not the end of problems people faced. Fake friends or relationships developed on Facebook, numerous fake accounts were created without any accountability or verification. This made it easy for creepy messages or dangerous threats to be sent without detection from the source. Illegal items were sold and criminal activities simply became decriminalized in the liberal virtual world, until Cyber Security was established and in order to prevent ourselves from becoming victims we need to be aware about Cyber Crimes and measures we can take to stop these crimes.

  2. This Article talks about how Social media has evolved from just a small website for a few people to something that could be a source of money. What may seem a favorite past-time for people who use these apps or websites moderately, maybe a major chore for many who are on the verge of its addiction. Sadly, it’s not just us, its literally anyone who can hold a phone, has a good internet speed and can comprehend average communication skills. It would be a foolish assumption if you thought India was a backward nation. We may lag behind in terms of equality, justice and hygiene. It mostly comprises of young minds, some of them still dreadfully attending school.
    Applications changed the way people looked at spending their past time, it became a hobby.
    The invention of these apps brought along with it a new form of crimes and problems. ‘Cyber Crime’ was the term given and the number of complaints has been on the rise ever since. While it was just a breach of privacy or cyberbullying then, now it is more life-threatening due to the profound effect that social media has on the minds of people. People could easily hide behind the concept of anonymity and bully a person, stalk them easily everywhere- even in the virtual world, a more convenient option and hack into their social media accounts to gain access to a plethora of intimate information. This was not the end of problems people faced. Fake friends or relationships developed on Facebook, numerous fake accounts were created without any accountability or verification. This made it easy for creepy messages or dangerous threats to be sent without detection from the source. Illegal items were sold and criminal activities simply became decriminalized in the liberal virtual world, until Cyber Security was established and in order to prevent ourselves from becoming victims we need to be aware about Cyber Crimes and measures we can take to stop these crimes.

  3. Social networking’s tremendous growth has created a breeding ground for hackers to engage in cybercrime. The cyber spaces are giving an opportunity to other person to see what is happening in others life. The interconnectivity of social media means it is a perfect hunting ground for illegal activity, and increasingly people are realising that their “friend” many not actually be their friend but a criminal.
    Cybercrime on social networks can read as following:
    by trying to lure you to click on something or visit pages that will push malware on to your computer,
    searching for careless public exposure of personal data,
    using social media as a platform to connect also giving rise to the sensitive information which can cause loss if stolen,
    by sharing pictures the case of stalking and misusing is also can be done

  4. This Article talks concerning however Social media has evolved from simply a tiny low web site for a couple of individuals to one thing that might be a supply of cash.

  5. This article basically speaks about the emergence of social media in a developing country like India. the technological advancements has been a true blessing to mankind but the increasing usage of the social media has amplified the cyber crime rates in the country, Moreover the rise in users have a detrimental impact on the crime rates as most users are generally not aware of the usage of their data, as most of them lack the subject knowledge of cyber offences like stalking, sharing information, piracy etc.and awareness to this is required.

  6. We need more articles like this to aware everyone about cyber crime and also for those one who are actually suffering from cybercrime. Social media becomes a very important part of our lives. In this scenario we need to be aware about the proper use and also advantages and disadvantages of this platform.

  7. This article talks about how social media has advanced in leaps and bounds from it being merely a few websites used by a few people to multiple domains accessed by the vast multitude. I believe that although social media has given rise to cyber crimes, it is also essential to society today. We must all progress and this can only be done with technological advancements. Cyber crimes can be stopped by placing reasonable restrictions on social media and the things that people post or say online. In this way a balance is struck between development of the nation as well as safety of individuals.
    The Information Technology Act and the Personal Data Protection Bill contemplate the same. It highlights 8 important data protection obligations – Fair and reasonable processing, Purpose limitation, Collection limitation, Lawful processing, Notice, Data quality, Data storage limitation, Accountability. All of the above is checked by the Data Protection Authority. In this manner, all of the needs of society can be met with just a little bit of compromise.

  8. Yes. So true! People ignored small things and then it leads to a big crime.
    Good information about cyber crimes in india.

  9. This article is relevant as it talks about how social media is advanced and become important for day to day life and people ignore small things which lead to big crimes.

  10. The above article gives us the idea of how this giant mass of media started and the impact it caused to the people. In addition to that, as there are addicts to this social media there are also others who try not to get involved but this, but try to get out of this virtual media. For those who have control over themselves, it’s not an addiction and they’ll be a little least prone to the crimes.
    The main thing is causing awareness, which is each and every one of our job to do. As per the law limiting the people from posting things is one big step to avoid causing these crimes. This makes sure that the info of the people posting it are not in any danger. Be cautious of these crimes and please don’t skip the rules. Do follow them.

  11. Brilliant article!!
    The article is quite comprehensive and precisely explains the cybercrime happening in India and relevant laws that helps in creating awareness.
    Following are the legal provisions one can seek in case of cybercrimes.
    Laws under IPC for cybercrimes:
    Sending threatening messages by email – Sec 503 IPCSending defamatory messages by email – Sec 499 IPCForgery of electronic records – Sec 463 IPCBogus websites, cyber frauds – Sec 420 IPCEmail spoofing – Sec 463 IPCWeb-Jacking – Sec. 383 IPCE-Mail Abuse – Sec.500 IPC
    Laws under IT Act,2000 against Cybercrimes:
    Tampering with Computer source documents – Sec.65Hacking with Computer systems, Data alteration – Sec.66Publishing obscene information – Sec.67Un-authorised access to protected system Sec.70 Breach of Confidentiality and Privacy – Sec.72Publishing false digital signature certificates – Sec.73

  12. This article very nicely intimates us as to how social media just transformed from need to fun to our lifeline.. yess, I think social sites and social media are our daily visit places, we may not visit temple even a week but we will visit our social sites nearly 10times a day or maybe more in some cases. Impact of social media is clear, engulfing us totally.. we wake up by watching our phone screen, we go to sleep while carrying our phone.
    And our ancestors have said – ” Excessive of everything is bad” and the results are crystal clear to us, “cyber crimes”.
    This article has very straight forwardly drawn our attention as to what causes cyber crimes.

  13. The growth of social media in India has been splendid. From being just a small link to source of entertainment to source of income for people it has evolved tremendously. With development, good internet and access of mobile phone to literally everyone our country is changing. Even though there is immeasurable change in terms of justice, equality and other areas. But when it comes to the criteria of social media there is a huge wave of success on the graph. But not every kind of development leads to good results. Nowadays everyone has at least 2 to 3 applications, has their ids registered on different sites like delivery system, food etc. No system is full proof neither are these. With loads of information available online gates for leaking of private details started opening. Problem didn’t only was about information. On social medias people started causing troubles by making fake accounts, posting morphed photos, faking relationships. People started messaging other people. Cyber bullying, abusing, threatening and what not. These were the starting of the large web cyber crime is today. Now cyber crimes are one the biggest issues faced by legal system. We have to take possible measures and prevention to reduce the level of crimes happening online.

  14. See from years like approx from 1985 first cyber crime committed

    After that it follows from years to years we need to bring self awareness among ourselves n our families, friends n neighbourbhood by aware them about how to safe n prevent cyber crime .

    Because it can be commit with one n one can come out from by aware of various govt policies related to protection of women act

    We need teach our elders about such cyber crimes n how to safeguard them n whom to approach if it committed after all possible efforts

    At last is ensure justice available after evaluating various facts.

  15. Due to the growth of the social media platforms, many people, specially teenagers spend a lot of time over the Internet. Even when hanging out with friends, they’ll post stories on SnapChat and Instagram and most of the time with their location, which isn’t a wise thing to do. People should be aware about the possible threats that may arrive when doing such things. The risk factor is very high.

  16. The article relates to the real world as well as the digital world and to understand this in better and precise form the most important issue is discussed in the above article. As the use and misuse of technology is common so it is up to the users to addict or not to. This real world and the digital space some things have in common but some don’t so the need of today is to be more careful and reasonable over these social sites and apps. Slender a person in the real world as to say something online in the written form through messages it is important for now to understand.

  17. With the increasing access to internet, social media is becoming a very important part of people’s lives.
    People tend to stay connected and share even smallest detail about themselves on these social medias.
    This article talks about problem related to over usage of these apps and platforms and how they are harmful for people.
    This article is very well written and is very informative especially for those teenagers and children who consider social media as their lives and over share their personal details on these platforms.

  18. I think this article has addressed one of the most important topics which need to be discussed and about which knowledge must be spread.The users of internet and social media is increasing and internet is reaching the rural India,where people are not much aware about the risks of the cyberspace.
    Social Media is gaining unprecedented growth and popularity in India.Thus,knowledge and awareness about the the same must be spread rapidly.People must avoid sharing confidential and personal information. People must know about the cyber crimes and consequences of it.
    This article is spot on in spreading awareness about the same!Good work!!

  19. “Social media and maintaining security in this particular area is a very difficult but achievable task”…. The article brings light to this particular sentence.. The article deals with the fact that how social media establishes it’s unbreakable link with cyber crimes on larger stance…. It brings out the point that India a budding country and developing country with large number of population using social media…. Are aware of such crimes…. Are more prone to become prey of such crimes, etc….. And challenges faced by cyber branch to protect the crowd from cyber crimes…… ???

  20. This article deals with the way social media platforms have over the period of time, evolved into source of money. This evolution has become a root cause for various problems and have had major impact on people’s lives. This article also deals how these social media platforms have the potential to become a hub for a lot of criminal activities.

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