By: Vaishnavi Venkatesan
In today’s fast paced world, internet has been at the forefront of technological development and affected all aspects of our lives. It has opened up wide avenues and increased connectivity. Communication which was a major barrier hitherto has made lives much easier. It has influenced almost all industries including e-commerce giants, online shopping, booking tickets online, paying bills as well as commuting, no stone has been left unturned. Similarly, the Internet has heavily impacted the online matrimonial industry.
Matrimonial websites have been in India for more than 15 years now. The landscape for matrimonial businesses to run is evergreen especially because of prevalent system of arranged marriages in India. Matrimonial websites took advantage of this and are unstoppable ever since. Furthermore, it is less time consuming and puts forth a plethora of options which is exactly what the current generation seeks. As the phrase goes, “Every path as a puddle”, in the same way even, these online matrimonial websites have a host of problems attached with it, one such being the cyber-crime of Matrimonial Fraud. Cyberspace brings with it many dangers like anonymity and lack of personal contact, both of which are key ingredients to healthy relationships in the real world.
What is Matrimonial Fraud: A typical modus operandi of a matrimony fraud involves the fraudsters creating fake profiles on matrimonial websites posing as software professionals or doctors or marketing professionals, settled in a foreign country, and target people who are more often than not looking for a second marriage. They establish trust and get close to the person through mails, online chats or at times by even through phone calls. They then propose marriage and cook up a story such as gifts or foreign exchange that they were bringing into the country were stopped at the airport by Customs and needs to be cleared and there is an urgent need of money. Some time they even say someone close in the family has fallen sick and they need some urgent money, which will be returned soon. Taking the stories as fact, the people fall for the bait hook line and sinker and transfer the money to the fraudsters bank account through online.
The punishment for the offence has been provided under Section 66D of the Information Technology Act, 2000 This legal provision reads as under:
“Whoever, by means for any communication device or computer resource cheats by personating, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to one lakh rupees.” This provision envisages that if a person assumes the character or appearance which is not what he really is or passes oneself off as someone he really is not, especially with fraudulent intent, then the victim can file a complaint before the Adjudicating Officer under this provision. The victim can be awarded a fine of up to 1 lakh Rupees.
The online dating and matrimonial portals can also be held liable under the Information Technology Act as there are certain liabilities associated with “Intermediaries” under the Information Technology Act. The Online Service Providers being “Intermediaries” can be held liable under Section 79 (3) (a) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 if: “the intermediary has conspired or abetted or aided or induced, whether by threats or promise or otherwise in the commission of the unlawful act.” The matrimonial websites do promise suitable matches and keep emailing the same to the registered users, and also at times charge for specialized services of match making whereby they are presumed to have verified the credentials of the parties, thereby making them liable under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
Also, along with action under the Information Technology Act, Section 415, 416, 417, 419 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code. deal with cheating and cheating by personation.
Measures to prevent such matrimonial frauds: In dealing such a situation, prevention is always better than cure which is why due caution is to be adopted. Some of the steps which can be undertaken according to the ministry of home affairs are:
- Go for verified matrimonial websites: Before registering on a matrimonial website, check authenticity and reviews of the website. Talk to your friends and family to know about reliable websites. If possible, try to talk to people who might have found their life partners through online matrimonial platforms. The site must be a secure website.
- Create new e-mail id for matrimonial websites: Create new e-mail id for registering on matrimonial websites. Preferably, use e-mail as a source of communication and do not share your personal data namely, photo, phone number, house address, etc. on matrimonial websites.
- Always do a background check of the prospective match: Conduct an end-to-end background check of the person. Try to contact workplace, family, friends, relatives, or associates of a prospective match to know more about him/ her.
- Do not share personal information: While chatting on matrimonial website, avoid talking to a person, if he/ she pressurizes you to reveal your personal information. Always refrain from sharing your personal information.
- Never entertain any request for money: Do not transfer funds or offer financial help to the prospective match.
- Be cautious while dealing with NRI profiles: Always be careful while dealing with ‘NRI’ profiles on matrimonial websites. Commit to marriage only after face-to-face meetings, especially the prospective match’s parents/ relatives and validating any documents related to their address and employment abroad.
Therefore, to sum up, the online matrimonial cyber fraud is a major concern which should not be taken lightly. Instead of shifting the entire onus on the consumer, websites should also be made liable to a certain extent. However, people should also exercise extra caution and due diligence while indulging in online matrimony. The key is to take things slow and not to rush into things before being completely sure by conducting background checks, sufficient amounts of face to face meetings and testimonials from people known to the prospective spouse.
Very Wonderfully written. In today’s era of Modernisation and Technological Advancement, the Matrimonial Fraud has emerged as a Major Concern before the Government and Cyber Crime Cells.
As very truly said that only caution can save us, but on the same hand it’s the need of hour to enact a separate Statute in this regard as the purview and enforcement of IT Act, 2000 is not sufficient to curb and prevent the crime more effectively and efficiently, on the same hand our Cyber Cells especially in remote areas also needs to be enhanced and made modernised as Cyber Space today is like the Life Blood of Humans, so preventing cyber crimes and ensuring justice to it’s victims is the moral and legal obligation of the Government.
Lastly Hats off to your style of writing and description of the relevant factual in your Article…
Very knowledgeable content and briefly covered all the area of information. Well done
Amazing drafting and very knowledgeable article. Nowadays matrimonial sites are very much in demand as it saves time and money of people. But many less people are aware of the frauds that happen on these sites so this article helps in increasing awareness among the masses, the wrongful deeds which can happen with them on these sites. This article also states the things which we should keep in mind before making a profile on these websites. It is a very useful article for everyone.
A very important topic covered, moreover the article is detailed about the legal provisions attached to it further what more can be added since it is associated to matrimonial cases the concept ” minimum physical contact” can be an exception in the matrimonial cases . What minimum physical contact is, it is the base on which all of these E-commerce industries are running and all of these portals are running. in cases of matrimony this concept can be an exception as alas it is marriage we are talking about , without complying to any of request of party a personal meeting could help a prudent person to identify if the person is genuine or he is walking in into a fraud.
Wonderfully explained.. Matrimonial sites are being heavily used, and crimes related to these are increasing.
As some of the people in Matrimonial sites are actually very serious about getting a match, and are very emotional that it may happen they being manipulated easily by the criminals and could get a big loss.. so, it becomes the need of the hour, to intimate the prevention and precaution to be taken while registering and using matrimonial site. This article has mentioned all the details of precautions to be taken. Very much important and worthy.
A very informative piece of writing, which tells us the reality of today’s world. As number of youth in india is increasing the use of matrimonial sites are also high. These sites can some time be manipulative and can lead to serious damages. This article has also mention the legal provision of the problem and measures one should take on these types of portal are also mentioned. This article tells about matrimonial sites fraud are a Major concern now a days and one should take necessary precautions before being active on such portals.
It is a well penned article and provides detailed description grievance redressal mechanism available in the country in matrimonial fraud scenarios. This information is very vital to those indulging in online matrimony , which is a very common trend. In fact in the current scenario of social distancing is likely to catch up more. One of the important issues that I would like to add to the piece of information is that there are also various matrimonial platforms that ask for Adhaar information of the clients to verify their identity , however, giving regard to one very eminent ruling of the Supreme Court in the very popularly know case, the “ADHAAR CASE” Section 57 of the ADHAAR ACT was struck down which permitted the sharing of personal data with private entities, which is why such steps taken by the matrimonial websites were considered to be violative of the Supreme Court ruling and A.21 of the Constitution of India. Such steps though are taken to ensure the genuineness of the clients must be encrypted and not provided to public bodies without the consent of the individuals.
It’s wonderful narrates the real face of matrimonial web sites and other online dating apps.Internet is a broad platforms and it can access anyone at any time. So we can see lack of security regarding the matrimonial sites,until and unless what is right and what is wrong.Inorder to protect our security we will not provide our personal details and the person who want genuine about us it will not get.Suppose if we want a marriage profile,we don’t it’s truly provide it.
It wonderful narrates current situation regarding online matrimonial sites and dating.Internet is a broad and it can easily accessible by anyone at any time.So it is very difficult to understand what is right and what is wrong. Inorder to security ,we don’t disclose our personal data but it won’t get the genuine information regarding this .It is easily to manipulate others.
Wonderfully narrated and very informative. Very well explained about Matrimonial fraud. The steps to avoid such crimes and the precautions will be really helpful for all the people reading this article. Will share this article in my group. The Internet is a virtual network between the people. All that is on the internet is not real.
The topic on which the article written is an important one. It is appreciable that the measures given by ministry of Home affairs are mentioned in the article. The article will be very helpful to a law student or any person interested in the field of cyber law as the concerned provisions of the Information Technology Act are also given in the article. Moreover, the language used by the writer of the article is comprehensible and glorious.
A great read for all the people looking for a prospective partner through online matrimonial website. Making people aware about these types of crimes is the best way to protect them against such crimes.
The article very eloquently explains a very common menace that haunts a society like India, where marriage is considered such an important milestone that one has to achieve as soon as (s)he becomes of age. It is the relevance of the article in this background that makes it an interesting read. the author has done a wonderful job by explaining the relevant provisions that can be attracted if one were faced with such an issue and by suggesting the precautionary measures to protect oneself against such fraud.
Online Matrimonial Frauds are very new to the people. Matrimonial Sites being the intermediaries should be obliged to verify each and every account that is getting registered on their site. Individually moderating registered account can help reducing the chance of cyber crime.
The article is very informative, as it covers all the aspect, but I would like to add one more heading to it and that is : Steps taken by Matrimonial and Online dating sites to prevent frauds,
These company being a third party should consult cyber experts on tips and steps to reduce cyber crimes on their portal. Strict verification of each and every user through valid document(s) should be done as it can be considered as an evidence against the criminal.
A well researched article on a very important topic of cyberspace as matrimonial frauds are increasing day by day it is important to aware the society about it and remedies which are available for them. This article may have included some other remedies provided in other laws except IT act.
An amazingly drafted article, full of information and insights. The amount of information that has been delivered in such a short article is commendable. The author has done a great job, it covers all the aspect of the topic, cause, implementation, legal recourse as well as solutions.
Thanks to providing such a beautiful detailed description of online matrimonial fraud.The way described to avoid matrimonial fraud is very beneficial.
very knowledgeable article about the cyber crime and their precautions, also gives the guidelines to protect from cyber crimes.
The knowledge provided in this article is absolutely crucial while dealing with people via online matrimonial sites. The article also envisages solutions for various frauds committed online and also brings the intermediaries into the scene by making them liable. The legislations provided in this article are also vital for deep study about this topic.
article is written beautifully all the information and prevention are given of matrimonial sites.
article is informative all the information and prevention are given of matrimonial sites. they have inform us about Information Technology Act, Section 415, 416, 417, 419 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code. deal with cheating and cheating by personation.
this article is filled with good things about matrimonial fraud.I suggest everybody to read once
considering most of the people prefer online dating and matrimonial sites, it is an indefinite and an extremely big risk. and being educated and knowing how to be cautious is something very vital. matrimonial fraud is getting very easily carried out considering the popularity of the site. i would suggest everyone who is eager to continue or join these sites be aware of the consequences that follow.
The article is very well structured from the basic information in the head briefing about growth of internet to the main subject i.e.online matrimonial frauds the switch is very well drafted using the perfect words and short sentences which is easy to understand and making the content interesting to read. the article written in a manner which could actually engage a reader. then talking about the body it is an ocean of accurate information and is trying to convey a message so strongly .reading this a person will definitely think before taking a step towards any matrimonial site showing his awareness fulfilling the very purpose of the article. Conclusion is rightfully drafted.
The style of writing of the author was commendable as was the subject matter. The content written suggests the amount of work the writer put in, to research about this topic. All the points were covered and well explained. The facts and the writer’s own opinion was beautifully combined which retained the interest of the reader. Even the way the writer concluded the article was perfect. Overall this article was praise-worthy.
The issue picked up in the article is a fresh topic these days, I say so because the era of online matrimonial sites is not way too old.
The article explains what matrimonial fraud is, how does fraud take place using the matrimonial sites and also puts in front the verbatim of two sections related to the Information Technology Act, 2000, which are, section 66(D) and 79(3)(a), and also explains their working and penalties related to it.
Towards the end, the writer has also put emphasis on, how one can save himself from such frauds.
A good article to read, for knowing this new, fast growing element of cybercrime.
The style of writing of the author was commendable as was the subject matter. The content written suggests the amount of work the writer put in, to research about this topic. All the points were covered and well explained.
It is the responsibility of matrimonial sites to ensure that their platforms are not misused for committing cybercrimes or traditional crimes against an unsuspecting clientele.
this article very well explain about the matrimonial sites cyber crime. they have inform us about Information Technology Act, Section 415, 416, 417, 419 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code. deal with cheating and cheating by personation.
Matrimonial Sites being the intermediaries should be obliged to verify each and every account that is getting registered on their site. Individually moderating registered account can help reducing the chance of cyber crime.
This was a very important and concerning topic in today’s world with the increasing popularity of matrimonial sites. The engaging tone, style of writing of the author made this article even more interesting to read, along with being informative.
Awareness needs to be there about the prevailing issues and how to tackle them in case someone is already trapped in it.
The article is drafted very well with good use of words. Matrimonial frauds are very likely to be seen currently so awareness regarding this is important.
The artcile has been written so wonderfully and the structure is too perfect as i could not find flaws
great work!
Well written article and as in the time of technological advancement most of person do choose their life partner online and this makes the matrimonial fraud one of cyber crime with do take place.
This information is very vital to those indulging in online matrimony , which is a very common trend. In fact in the current scenario of social distancing is likely to catch up more. One of the important issues that I would like to add to the piece of information is that there are also various matrimonial platforms that ask for Adhaar information of the clients to verify their identity and as sharing of personal data with private entities is violative that’s why such steps taken by the matrimonial websites were considered to be violative.
Very informative article which explains matrimonial fraud and provides brief measures to prevent it. These frauds has taken an upsurge in the country and less aware innocent people get caught in the trap of such fraudsters. The author through his article has made an attempt to make people more conscious while using such online platforms.
very elaborative and comprehensive article.. best use for the person who is looking for his/ her partner on matrimonial sites as there are many fraudsters who make fake profile and trap innocent people.
Matrimonial frauds are a matter of concern as it gives mental trauma to the sufferer. It is a prominent way to rob anyone or play with someones emotions.
It is a well-written and concise article highlighting all the necessary points. This is probably the first article I have come across where the author has added her personal suggestions. However, a real life instance or case is recommended.
Very elaborate and comprehensive article.. best use for the person who is looking for his/ her partner on online matrimonial sites and social networking site.
Very knowledgeable content and easy to understand.
These matrimonial fraud are rising and it creates mental trauma to the sufferer or towards whom fraud has been done .
We see matrimonial site’s advertisements very frequently while watching television. They are advertised by bid personalities such as Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Eventually people trust these sites and make their profiles on it. It is responsibility of these sites to ensure there is no fake profile so as to avoid matrimonial fraud. The article was informative in providing all necessary information about the same.
This article is beneficial for every online user as the article explains about the online matrimonial fraud which is also a cyber crime .The proper segregation makes it easier to grasp the content that makes the people to be aware of the online matrimonial fraud and to prevent the online matrimonial fraud .