Towards urban development : Initiatives taken by Madhya Pradesh government
Cities play crucial social and economic roles. They generate wealth and provide better living conditions. Keeping this in mind, development of cities through constructive planning becomes important. This facilitates overall growth in the economy as well.
Jaivardhan singh, cabinet minister of urban development and housing has initiated UNIQUE PLANS for cities of Madhya Pradesh. These would make Cities not only clean and beautiful but also well equipped. Shri Singh also reviewed municipal corporations for efficient implementation of the new plans.
Some of these programs include:
FIRST to make city specific plans to remove “stray animals” from the cities which would also include pigs and dogs. Stray animals leads to problems of diseases, accident, pollution etc. Jaivardhan singh also discussed other measures to be initiated at local levels one of them includes making “cowshed”.
SECONDLY program were introduced to make Cities “Dust Free”. Pollution caused by dust leads to health problems like allergy, respiratory diseases etc. Plans include putting paving blocks on either side of city roads and use of cement- concrete for construction work. Shri Singh also asked local authorities to mark government land at important places and construct commercial and residential projects there.
THIRDLY, plans includes management, sanitation and supply of water resources. Jaivardhan singh expressed displeasure at slow pace of work being carried forward under AMRUT( Atal mission for rejuvenation and urban transformation) YOJNA. He asked municipal commissioner to provide proper training to staff engaged in this work. He asked for timely completion of sewage and drinking projects so that residents can get benefits of this project.
Programs for “regular water supply” were also introduced. Municipal corporations was asked to make detailed reports for supply of water for 12 months. They were also asked to find sources of water for regular supply. Plan also included use of flow measuring devices and Scada in water tanks. Shri Singh also asked to put water flow regulating “meters” and that billing should be done on basis of meter reading.
Other plans included reviewing process of garbage collection, recognising water logged areas and planting trees in rainy season. Principal secretary Mr. Sanjay Dubey said that there is a lot of room for improvement in Cities. He asked to recover revenue efficiently. Central and State funds will be available only after targets are set out.
These plans comes with alot of benefits and surely have ability to bring development in cities. But such plans are regularly made throughout country. What needs to be considered is how these schemes will be IMPLEMENTED effectively by government.
Editing Shruti Saxena