February 22, 2025

21 thoughts on “LIVING IN DIGITAL DARKNESS: Internet shutdown

  1. Excellent article!!
    The article well explains the issue of internet shutdown and its impact over the society.
    An Internet shutdown is something other than a detachment from Whatsapp, Facebook or Twitter; it implies constraining open doors for artists who exhibit their ability through YouTube or SoundCloud, business visionaries who have utilized the web that lets them intensify a thought without begging to be spent, or limiting roads for discovering that are given by stages like Coursera or edX. During an Internet shutdown, understudies can’t show up for different assessments; moderation organizations, writers and families can’t set up contact in emergency hit zones, and dispersal of advantages through different e-administration plans is obstructed.

  2. It is very helpful article making understand of internert shutdown and it’s positive, negative and practical impact on the society.As we know that now a days people are using internet as their daily routine of work.My point of view about it internet shutdown is completely a foolish thing by the government.If is for 1 or 2 hour then it is fine.It is not about the social media like watsapp,facebook etc through internet MNC’s and many other companies whether it is governmental or not depending on it for their work to earn.By shutting down internet connection is totally a hindrence for the pace of development,making country to go into again in primitive era where it was not existing.

  3. Wonderful Article!!
    The last part also talked about the COVID – 19 pandemic and how important the internet is during such a health crisis in India. Internet shutdowns have gradually become a popular component of the wider array of State responses like curfews, media clampdowns, and others. People mostly depend on the Internet to stay in touch with family and friends, create local communities of interest, report public information, and access and share knowledge. Thanks for such an informative article.

  4. Excellent article. This article very openly gives a wide description of internet shutdown in various cases .. along with its benefits and heavy loss.. as our lives are totally depended on internet, from shopping to cooking recipes to knowing about weather conditions, studying etc. Internet is in everyone’s mind, all the time.. and banning this for some reason will abruptly disturb many lives..many people are so depended on internet that they earn their livelihood from this.. banning internet is definitely a shock.. this article depicts the problems very well with a great example we have recently seen.. Banning internet in Kashmir, and even during lockdown, few of internet facilities are not available.
    Today’s government is also depended on internet for providing various important information.
    A nice example has taken, how will people be aware of the news and other facts , information about Covid-19 .
    This article will actually make you think about internet shutdown..
    Impressive work..

  5. A brilliant article that explores all the facets of internet shutdown. Its impact over civil liberties, economy and technology has been examined. The laws regulating such shutdown are also stated. Currently, various articles and legal pieces exist on various online platforms dealing with the same subject matter. However, this piece stands out with its informative and research quality. I second the opinions expressed by the author.

  6. Article about internet shut down, quite opens our eyes to the fact that how everyone is extremely much dependent on it. Imagining about not having access to the internet is a nightmare for everyone in these times. From entertainment to enlightenment on anything is available on the internet. The pros and cons of internet shutdown are apparently mentioned in the article. It also gave information Relating to the present COVID 19 crisis. As the internet and technology played a vital role in the development of the country in many ways. Thinking about not having internet takes us back to a time that we can’t imagine.
    Great work.

  7. Internet these days is like our blood and soul. We have become so dependent on it, that it’s quite hard to imagine how to carry on life without it. In such a scenario, internet shutdowns are absolutely barbaric and against human rights. More so, if one tries to look at the reason for such a measure taken by the government, it appears to be silencing dissent, more than security concerns, as in the case of Article 370. So, the real question is: are the shutdowns justified at all? The author does a pretty good job of highlighting the inherent problems with such shutdowns, the provisions that can be used to impose them, and the instances where they have been imposed before.

  8. very knowledgeable article about the cyber crime and their precautions, also gives the guidelines to protect from cyber crimes.

  9. Internet shutdown has become a tool for governments to use in a time of crisis. This article clearly explains how and why it is done and how it can harm or save a community. It can prove to be beneficial at a time when hatred is spread to cause violence but can be harmful during a pandemic like COVID-19.

  10. A very well written and well researched article. This article is very informative and provides knowledge about internet shutdown and provides information upto till date,

  11. Article tells us about internet shutdown and it help when hatred is spreading continuously .This article explains how and why it is done and how it can harm or save a community.

  12. Amazing article. Internet shutdown has been explained very well by the article taking in real incidents in consideration. The introduction was good so was the subject matter and the conclusion was also well written. Indeed internet shutdown is like taking the freedom of speech of the citizens. In total, a well-written article by the writer.

  13. The article well explains the issue of internet shutdown and its impact over the society.An Internet shutdown is an intentional disruption of Internet-based communications, rendering them inaccessible or effectively unavailable, for a specific population, location, or mode of access, often to exert control over the flow of information.

  14. Wow ,amazing article!
    The pros and cons of internet shutdown are apparently mentioned in the article. It also gave information Relating to the present COVID 19 crisis.
    Internet shutdowns have far-reaching technical, economic, and human rights impacts. They undermine users’ trust in the Internet, setting in motion a whole range of consequences for the local economy, the reliability of critical online government services, and even for the reputation of the country itself.

  15. Great work done by the author and much needed topic to be addressed.
    Understood internet shutdown and it’s positive, negative and practical impact on the society.As we know that now a days people are using internet as their daily routine of work.
    An Internet shutdown is an intentional disruption of Internet-based communications, rendering them inaccessible or effectively unavailable, for a specific population, location, or mode of access, often to exert control over the flow of information.

  16. I really loved the choice of topic made by the author and i think we as aware individuals should talk and write more about this blanket ban on internet services in a particular region because what generally happens is that most of the people think that this ban is justified in the name of so called patriotism and they blind themselves in it and refuse to even consider the consequences of it and how badly it is affecting people’s right to access some basic necessity yes i feel internet is surely a necessity these days because everything’s on it no matter what and it is surely needed by a literate individual for sure.

  17. This is a blazing article , glad to read this.
    Internet shutdown virtually becomes our need sometimes as of now due to COVID-19 Indian government put internet shutdown in some parts of India and it block people from getting essential information which is a major pitfall.

  18. The article gave an actual realisation to a complete darkness without Internet.Now here is a truism. If you have never had something of course you will never loose it or be without it in the first place.This was me some 7 years ago living in a small rural village attending a government high school. I had zero practical knowledge of what the internet was and what I could possibly do with it.

  19. It becomes difficult for us to even imagine some hours without internet, and for the people in these places like J&K, it has become a way of life. Often internet shutdowns are looked upon as an infringement of freedom of speech and expression but it is argued that it is under reasonable restrictions as the government is afraid that this may result in incitement of war and is a threat to security of state. Although it is true that social media is a tool for rumours and we have seen instances where it incites offences yet Internet is a basic facility upon which various daily chores are dependent.

  20. Very well-written and concise article. The author has highlighted all the important points. A better conclusion is recommended.

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