List of main causes of cyber crime
By Pallabi Paul
Crimes can be defined as violation of law ,especially a serious one Cyber Crime is an unlawful act wherein the computer is either tool or target.Cyber crime uses unique feature of internet namely sending of e-mail,speedy publication of Information through web and the Information can be send to anyone one in the planet.The type of cyber criminals are dangerous because they are usually unscrupulous and are ready to commit any type of offences as long as it brings money to their hands.They very smartly tries to get escape from law enforcement agencies.These cyber criminals are committing serious crime and their unscrupulousness particularly in child pornography as well as online gambling in a threat to the society.
Causes of Cyber Crime and its effect
Basically many youngsters are involved or tries to involve themselves in such types of offences who want to be noticed and feel among the group of big and tough guys in the society,they fall in the category of idealist and want to be in spotlight.Sometimes it happens like many teenage take the sexually explicit content or images or videos of others and circulate it the websites in order to take revenge against their known people and to lower down the reputation of the victims family and the victim.Based on the statistics it is found that 78% of the cyber crime occurs because they want to take revenge.Usually cyber bullying are bullied in physical way in the real world,they can’t take it by physical so they prefer to take it by cyber world.Bullying often revolves around persons social status in the school.and some teenage or youngsters will choose cyber bullying others .Sometimes it happens like due to jealousy among fellows due to academic achievements or in economic development,the offenders out of jealousy take the step to hamper the reputation by spreading defamatory or derogatory materials.
We need to know in detail what are causes of cyber crime in order to take steps to prevent those in our society.
Alleviate Boredom – Some people cyber bullying in order to get fit in the group of friends.As a result,these youngsters are succumbed to peer pressure in order to be accepted by a group in schools or colleges ,even if it going against their better judgment.They are concerned about fitting in them rather than the consequences of cyber bullying.
Due to experiment as a nature of teenagers –
As the teenager are attracted to new things happening in the world.Sometimes due the advertisement of many things relating to protection from pregnancy and many other,or watching pornographic clips in many sites,they decide to experiment it and become prey to many offenders who are in search of such children in order to take sexually explicit content and they circulate in many social media and sites in order to earn money in shortcut way.The offenders never think of the consequences of these to the victims of cyber crime.
Make quick money – This group is greed motivated and career criminals,who tamper with the data on the data in the web and even targets many financial institutions like banking sector, and due to which they tried to hack many governmental as well as non governmental website and target them to theft data in order to earn income illegally ,there are increasing number of cyber crime related to e commerce ,where in.criminals form websites and give fake advertisements of many products with ingredients which are fake or misleading and attract the consumers easily and thus with the sole aim of making cyber fraud they earn money.For these reasons people need to be very much conscious and should purchase different products either electronic or others from known websites.
Cyber terrorism -Cyber terrorism is the politically motivated use of the computer and information technology to cause severe disruption and widespread threat in society.Most cyber attacks have been carried out by Criminal organizations with majority of incidents failing to register on enterprise risk scale of businesses that faced significant setbacks.
Negligence –Negligence is one of the characteristics of human conduct.So ,there may be possibility that protecting the computer system we may make any negligence which gives the offenders an opportunity to access and control the computer system,Computer network etc.
Loss of evidence – Loss of evidence is another factor which is responsible for increasing the cyber crimes ,as the data related to crime can easily destroyed.So,loss of evidence has become s common and obvious problem which paralizes the system behind the investigation of the cyber crimes.
Easy to access – The problem behind safeguarding s computer system from unauthorized access is that there are many possibilities of breach due to complex technology.Hackers can steal access codes,retina images,advanced voice recorder.that can fool biometric systems easily and bypass firewalls can be utilized to get past many security system.
Common causes behind identity theft is it occurs when obtains our personal information .Any personal information from our name and drivers license number ,social security number or credit card number and misuse such information to gather wrongful benefits for their own ,like they can apply for jobs using others personal details which which make the victims in trouble.
Offences like identity theft is committed for the purpose that many thieves or person having criminal records for receiving some benefits from the society ,which they think will not get if give their true identity,in such case misuse or commits identity theft which is punishable under the provisions of law.According to credit checking firm ,Experian ,online identity theft increased 300 percent from 2010 and 2012 ,just one of the area of online crime that has grown in recent years.Cyber crime including everything from online identity theft ,to installing of virus in the computer to damage several parts of it to hacking and online fraud is a complex area of criminalogy and and one that is getting more attention as computer are prevalent in our lives and handle more of our personal information.
Personally motivated cyber crime –
The cyber criminals are still human beings and what they do including the cyber crimes includes their personal emotions .From the disgruntled employee installing viruses in office computer to a jealous boyfriend into a girlfriends social media accounts or a teenager taking down a school website to prove he can do it,many cyber crimes are crimes of passion committed over the internet.Many of these crimes however can still have very serious impact and cause considerable property loss.
This article highlights the main causes of cyber crime. it identifies the factors which lead a person to commit cybercrime.
Gained a lot of knowledge on cyber crimes
Enlightening article!!
The article lists out the reasons and intentions behind most of the cyber crimes and is really helpful.
It is very important to know the causes of any problem in order to prevent oneself from being a victim of it. The article, by pointing out to the causes of cyber crime, has done an appreciable job. Government should also try to know the causes of cyber crime so that they comes in a better position to stop cyber crimes from betiding.
Having information about the main causes of cybercrime is useful. The information provided takes us through different types of cybercrimes and dew reasons why they are committed. Any emotional or physical feelings can lead to committing a crime is what we understand from the article. Whatever may be the motives behind the crimes committed the outcome is always devastating.
Good article.
Cyber crime is a growing menace that we need to combat. In order to prevent them, it is absolutely essential to understand the underlying causes that motivate such crimes in the first place. Thus, the article is quite relevant in that regard. By trying to attack these causes at their very root and spreading awareness, it may be possible to alleviate the situation.
Easy to access, capacity to store data in a small space,complex, negligence,loss of evidence
It’s important to know the causes of cyber crime this article told all about it ,impressive sentence framing and knowledgeable article well written imparting basics of why this cyber crime happen
A nice article and it is more of like a guide for knowing the main causes of cyber crimes.
Good article to read if one wants to know about the main causes of cyber crime.
Well written article.
Author has tried to throw light to all the possible causes of cyber crime and its really helpful for the readers.
very knowledgeable decribingthe root causes of the cybercrime.
The author has tried to incorporate all the major causes of cyber crime and explained it really well. Cyber crime is more prevalent among youths because of their easy vulnerability. With increasing awareness and a developed set-up to fight against these crimes, it can be avoided.
Well addressed topic it was. To find a solution to a problem, we must first find the root cause of such problem, and in this article, main causes of cyber crimes are discussed. This kind of awareness should reach every individual so as to avoid being a victim of any of the cyber crimes.
I gained a lot of knowledge by this article. mainly everybody discuss about the issue how to protect us from cyber crimes but the main reason behind this problem. we should find the cause and then try to cure it.
The article simply explains about the list of main causes of cyber crime which is highly informative and beneficial to be aware of the causes of cyber .