February 10, 2025

22 thoughts on “Fake news in India.

  1. Very wonderful article.this artilce will help to prevent to some extent panic among people by not believing each and every news related to covid !sec 69A and 66A of IT act,2000 must be strictly implemented in this case! Abd also there must be specific law criminalising spreading of such fake, misleading information!

  2. This article is really helpful for the people to understand the sensitivity of the concept fake news which is becoming a very critical matter as it causes misunderstandings, communal differences etc.

  3. Well one of the major issue in India is fake news through different mediums especially in social media.this article very explains the fake news and as a aware person we need to address people that we shoil believe in facts rather than information.

  4. One thing is very important that people should not forward these fake messages and media house should be exposing the fake news instead of telecasting it. People should only rely on the information given by the government and the organizations which are prominent in that field in terms of facts.

  5. Fake news is a very sensitive topic and we need to decide for ourselves what might be fake. We should not believe every news that comes up on news channels. We need to be careful. Very good article.

  6. Fake news is another pandemic which has been damaging our country’s system from inside. Social media has been a biggest platform for spreading fake news. People share anything without thinking if it is true or not. It also affect the law enforcement of the country.

  7. Fake news are on peak nowadays. People easily get influenced by them without verifying for truth. The problem is the consequences of these fake news, which leaves an impact on the mind of the people and shape their views and actions. A recent example where as a result of the spread of fake news dier consequences were faced was the Palghar Lynching . People must refrain from believing in such news and must verify it from a trusted source.

  8. The forwarding of messages and the negligent act of some people led to big problems issues and even threats to many people life and liberty the unknown data which is of no value led to mislead the people and this fake is not good for the whole community this article is thorough explanation of fake and the real

  9. Very appropriate topic for the current situation in India.
    Many social media platforms are used to spread fake news which many times result in major losses to an individual.
    It is easy to fool older generation with such news that’s why those people should be made aware about this.
    Government or the app developers should take strict actions against those who spread fake news.
    Very well described and written.

  10. need for today. Fake news has become a problem and a confusion. The article emphasis on the least looked into matter.

  11. This is really an important issue in India. There is a great need to tackle this because those fake news leads to spread hatred among a certain part of the community which is not good. This article explains the manipulation because of fake news and its impact, about the mainstream media and they should play a vital role towards their audience bt telling appropriate news and should not spread hatred among the people.

  12. One of the major problem in india is fake news and the medium of spreading is social media and most important most of the people believe that.

  13. a good one and for this the only thought arises in my mind is “based on true story” actually its the biggest issue in our country that people just start acting without getting the clarity in the topic or news they are spreading and telling about. same happened in recent elephant and its baby case people just started saying RIP education for Kerala people but the truth was something else that the people have not intentionally done that. like this many fake news spreads daily and this can lead to a big issue also so the people are needed to know about this and stop spreading fake news without having a confidentiality in the news and thought they are sharing so as to make the society free from fake news and free from issues that can arise in the society due to fake news. this article must be shared more and more so that it can give an impact on the society and people may get some knowledge about what to do what not to do.

  14. Very informative blog. Fake news in India complicating the war against COVID-19 .Because of misinformation and mal-information in the country spread through social media.

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