February 22, 2025

26 thoughts on “CYBER STALKING

  1. Very informative article which makes the awareness of how the justice is provided if any one is a victim of cyber stalking and other related crime which causes mental and physical harm and for some people it effects too harsh that they commit suicide so for this major issue everyone should know the remedies provided by law and how to save ourselves from such crimes.

  2. People are aware about “stalking” but don’t actually know its radius. Cyber stalking is very rarely known offence and very highly committed offence. This article has come up with a proper explanation to the topic and has covered almost everything to reach the minds of common people.

  3. Very well structured and effective article , but cases should be included to show that what to do and what not to do for a situation like this . Government has various specialized facilities like One Stop Centre , cyber cell and separate bodies and authorities to deal with these situations so that the reader know where to report , how to report and the related process . This will ensure that reader knows about everything and that will be true empowerment .

  4. This particular piece here is quite informative with regards to the laws and the various provisions of law that deal with cyber stalking online. Cyber Stalking is a very serious crime, and thoroughly affects the mind of the individual who is being stalked, it is like being watched 24/7, which is a clear infringement of the fundamental rights guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, which deals with the Right to Privacy. The article is very well-written, no doubt, however, the writer could surely have created a nexus between cyber stalking and how it infringes the right to privacy as guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, thereby relying on the landmark judgment of K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India. But, all in all, it is a good article, highly informative.

  5. Very nice aritle against the security and privacy of a person, we should not expose much n social media and if you are blackmailing by a person you must lodge a report against cyber stalking.

  6. Definitely a much needed one. People know stalking is am offense. But to what extent ? Most of us ignorant to the act government has framed for our security and it’s high time we take actions upon them

  7. This is very important and correct information for today’s time, especially for women, girls and teenagers. Many people have been falling prey to it unknowingly or due to lack of correct information. Thank you very much for sharing this.

  8. The information that this article provides is so important for layman users. Today internet is the most important tool for existing. However, the more value a thing holds, the more problems it invites. Therefore it is very important to understand the pros as well as the cons, along with all types of remedies available here.

  9. Cyber stalking is a criminal offence and can lead to harassments and this article has thrown light upon all the provisions of the law . In the conclusion the ways one can seek protection is explained. Very well written

  10. The Article was extremely well written with no loopholes except the jurisdiction and societal norms in place. A complaint regarding cyber complaint is less likely to be recorded due to lack of willingness to file a complaint, which would stem from societal norms concerning the Internet being an unsafe place and due to victim shaming which are major causes for concerns in such issues for the victim and his/her family. Any person out of India involved in cyber stalking although still eligible to be prosecuted, would be extremely difficult to prosecute due to different jurisdictions and a different set of laws.

  11. This is very much appreciating piece of writing brought down by the writer. The article deals with various initiative be taking by the people especially by womens to get out of such cyber stalking on day to day basis. The article enlightens us with the various sections covered under Sections of IPC and IT Act, 2008, which deal with such offences at larger point. The article proves to be a guiding point for everyone at very much basic and informative level.

  12. The information mentioned in this article is really useful for all specifically who are using social media platforms. Stalking leads to many mental problems in a person’s life and hence it is required to be aware of the laws regarding the same. It mentions many important provisions related to the crime of cyberstalking of the Indian Penal Code and the IT Act .

  13. This comes under information gathering of social engineering which is the most important step for attackers

  14. This article is very concise and effectively explains all the provisions in which a complaint of cyber stalking can be filed. Cyber stalking is a very serious crime which not only infringes the right to privacy of an individual but also causes a lot of mental trauma and hardships to the victim. The article is very well written and mentions all the provisions in IPC and IT act at one place.

  15. very informative article for everyone . Its a very dangerous offence and evryone needs to be aware of how to deal with it .This aricle would certainly help.

  16. Thats The Need Now A day But Its Just Law For Protecting Women. Its Our First Responsibility Respect Everyone .. Great Post Really Nice Work U Done..Keep Going..

  17. This article provides basic information on Cyber stalking and cyber bullying. Stalking is totally illegal and the person could get dangerous.

  18. The information that this article contains is absolutely important that each one of us must be aware of cyber stalking. The article explains clearly the legal provisions on cyber stalking and online harassment ,legal provisions under information technology act,offended sections.

  19. The author has explained the topic and related legal advisories greatly but misses out in giving a suggestion to personally protect ourselves from that.

  20. Authors spended a great time and lots of research on various section in the punishments in the in the various acts of cyber security especially on cyber stalking. An informative article to create awareness for your cyber rights.

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