Technology has brought with it advancements which has made our lives easier. Along with the benefits there is a stumbling block on the way named “cyber crime”. Education and technology have been going hand in hand which has led to the advancements in crime. Youths indulge in criminal behavior and practice abusing the cyber resources to transformation of information gathered through cyber technology. These conditions are termed as cyber crime. So there are a wide range of criminal activities that are committed through internet. The cybercrime today is the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the cyber world.
The level of cyber crime awareness varies from one individual to another on the basis of their environmental situations. Urban people have high level of cybercrime awareness as compared to rural people. The cause may be that urban people have more facilities to use technology i.e. computer, internet etc. as compared rural people. So urban people have more knowledge and awareness about the crime related technology and have more exposure to media.
It is very miserable that cybercrime has become a social phenomenon in the present day. So the need of the hour is to check this phenomenon from different levels. Here lies the important role of the family, parents, community, public, N.G.Os., clubs, organizations and government. The NGOs can play a very crucial role in escalating awareness related to cyber crime. They can propagate the ways to deal with this social phenomenon to the community. It is high time for our people to rethink on the ways they adopt for social concerns and issues. We should make more effective efforts to aware people about cybercrime by organizing seminars, debates on illegal activities committed through internet, so that we become aware of it and use internet more effectively in all aspects.
- Cyber Peace Foundation (CPF):- Started in 2013 as a grassroots civil society body, Cyber Peace Foundation is among the rare organizations working in the domain of promoting cyber peace and building trust in technology and the internet. They are supported by many like-minded individuals, volunteers, state and non-state organizations and their passionate team. They work globally on multi-stakeholder initiatives with industries, government agencies and regulatory bodies promoting self-regulation to build collective resilience against cybercrimes & global threats of cyber warfare. Not just that, they work on all the issues that surround or affect the global digital spectrum. It is an award-winning civil society organization, think tank of cyber security and policy experts with the vision of pioneering Cyber Peace Initiatives to build collective resiliency against cyber crimes & global threats of cyber warfare. Cyber Peace Foundation is involved in Policy Advocacy, Research and Training related to all aspects of Cyber Peace and Cyber Security. Key areas of Cyber Peace Foundation work are in Technology Governance, Policy Review and Advocacy, Capacity and Capability creation and building through partnerships with various government organizations, academic institutions and civil society entities.
- E-protect foundation: – e-Protect Foundation, Uttarakhand, is the Community for Cyber Crime Prevention and Justice for Women. Generally the State Police department has a specialized unit that handles all complex and sensitive cases of cyber crime including those in which victims are women and children. We are a connecting bridge between the victims/complaint and the Law enforcement. The mission of the eProtect Foundation is to serve as a one-stop shop for FREE cyber-related information for local, state and tribal law enforcement. The design and content contained on the site is developed to help law enforcement executives, their agencies, and their partners protect against, respond to, and recover from cyber threats and cyber crime by providing a clearinghouse of cyber-related information.
- ITEE CYBER WELFARE SOCIETY INDIA:- India First Cyber Welfare Society Initiative of Shakeel Anjum .To Generate Cyber crime law & InfoSec Awareness. When a young Cyber Security expert realized that the cyber space is not safe for its users, he contacted various people and formed a Cyber Welfare Society of India. The team started the first Cyber Welfare Society of India in Indore, a city of Madhya Pradesh State. With the help of various experts and advisors, this first Indian Cyber welfare Society will be helping women and be given tips and advices on ‘how to tackle cyber crimes’.
Every minute, on an average, nearly 80 people in India fall prey to some form of cyber crime and the awareness initiatives in place to prevent them are not enough.
Mr. Rosaiah was quoting statistics from a Norton-Symantec study on internal security in our country as part of his address at the 10 anniversary celebrations of Cyber Society of India, an NGO working for awareness on cyber security, held in T Nagar.
Further quoting the study, the Governor added that, across the globe, India tops in cases of spam attacks, and stands third in cases of computer virus attacks and overall cyber threats. “In such a scenario, NGOs like Cyber Society of India have a greater role to play to create awareness among people on the nuances of cyber crimes and the deep impact it can cause,” Mr. Rosaiah added.
“The highest of distinctions is service to others.” – King George IV
Thankyou for sharing this information
The author has adequately pointed out the increasing menace of cyber crimes in today’s digital era. With the rise in the use of technology, come its peril of cyber crimes. Thus, it is absolutely essential that Non-governmental organizations come up to fight against the dangers. The author has listed three NGOs who have done exceptional work in the field and continue to do so. Their service to the society is well-appreciated.
The Author provides his/her readers information about various national Level NGOs working in the field of Cyber Security to which a very a majority population is unaware. Despite a few minor grammatical errors, the author has brought out the best information regarding NGOs. In the beginning, the author talks about how internet and modern education are related and goes on telling the readers about youth delinquency, but then all of a sudden changes the topic to cyber awareness, which was a bit confusing. NGOs are indeed working really hard not only in the field of cyber security, but in almost every aspect of the society.
very knowledgeable article about the cyber crime and their precautions, also gives the guidelines to protect from cyber crimes.
Informative article! It provides useful information regarding ngo’s and their works of it.
article is informative and given info about NGOs working for cyber awareness in India
I support these NGOs as what they’re doing is very appreciative. Not a lot of people give cyber crimes importance but these NGOs are. For that I’m glad. They’re all helping us be aware and to know how to protect ourselves
A stepping stone to eradicate cyber crime is to make people aware of this crime, in our country according to recent studies if 76% of Indians are victim to cyber crime there are still 8% who does not believe they fall prey to this crime
if people know about the crime they try to protect themselves from harm so the NGO,’s aim to aware people about it and help them to an extent to not fall prey to cyber crime and if victimized then help them get relief .a very useful article telling people about the work of NGO’s nicely drafted but it lacks clarity
The writer has been efficient in writing this article. Even though internet is used by everyone, very few people are aware of the dangerous of the net or where to go if they fall prey to any cyber crime. By giving information about the NGOs, the writer has his part in spreading awareness to the people. There are a very few grammatical mistakes but in total, it was a good article.
This article surely motivates one to be aware of what goes on the internet world and the information on the NGOs is very needed and people must be motivated to volunteer and work for these type of organisations which are working for our data security and safety.
Great role of NGO in awaring and protecting people from cybercrime. Few grammatical errors but liked the way author representedit..
NGO’s are playing essential role in aware people regarding how significant is to know about cyber crime and to protect themselves from it.
India is relatively new to cybercrime space as compared to the western countries, that said India has an adequate law to identify and penalize the offenders. There are various sections of the IT Act 2000 by which the offenders can be brought to justice. There are various companies including the Big 4 which has specialized divisions investigating on such breaches of technology. For the first got an experience of reading about an NGO working for such a cause.
These NGOs are doing a great job in spreading awareness in people about cyber crimes and helps the people who gets into the trap of the cybercriminals everyday.
The article was informative especially for people who are interested in making their career in cyber crime field as they can join these NGO’s to understand the concept better. Also cyber crime awareness is really important as we are part of internet via social media sites.