OBSCENITY By – MEGHA MALHOTRA The Internet has given rise to a new industry for the online...
COMPUTER EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) Full form of CERT – Computer Emergency Response Team. CERT is a...
ISSUES OF JURISDICTION IN CYBER-CRIMES With the increasing advancement of technology, cyberspace has become highly available...
Malware attacks and developing challenges – Sarika Baloda The infectious virus, at times deadly for computer resources...
5G EXPANDS CYBER RISKS BY – VATSAL LAKDAWALA The new capabilities made possible by new applications riding...
ETHICAL ISSUES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA By- Sangini Singhal Information ethics has been defined as “the...
AI AND PATENT LAW As rightly said by John McCarthy, Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering...
CONSTITUTIONALITY OF INTERNET SHUTDOWN By- Arpita Goyal Internet has become an indispensible part of our lives and...
ISSUES RELATED TO CLOUD SECURITY BY – VATSAL LAKDAWALA Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of...
OTT platform and it’s legalities in India By – Paricha Goyal The first dependent Indian OTT platform...