February 10, 2025

12 thoughts on “Tests for obscenity

  1. Yes obscenity is not defined under IPC but the courts have taken a step towards taking the cases of obscenity by observing the test of foreign country’s.

  2. Wonderful and very well structured article. Legal provisions along with case laws is a wonderful choice by the author.
    Easy to understand and helpful article.

  3. The tests for obscenity are explained in a nice manner in the above article. The three major tests with the relevant case laws are mentioned in a nice manner along with the provision present in the Indian Penal code. This social evil needs to be destroyed and there is a need for proper education and everyone should be taught decency . There are laws but somewhere we need to change the mindset of people too.

  4. Obscenity is relatively new topic to read and understand. But in Indian Jurisprudence it had been well described as well as there are cases on it as well. The test for obscenity is always been an debatable topic because it has always been an issue whether the circumstances always matches on or not. All the information contained, cases discussed in the article are related with the topic. The researcher did a great job in creating awareness about obscenity as well as giving legality of the same as well.

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