January 16, 2025

34 thoughts on “Online Dating Vulnerabilities

  1. This is a very Informative article about online dating vulnerabilities and each point is explained in good words but I think that last point that is the venue promotions scams can be explained in more words.

  2. We need to be cautious on such sites. Fraud here are very prone. Article gives basic look to the online frauds through dating sites.

  3. Really appreciate mentioning of the ways people could protect themselves. These small things make a huge difference. All it takes is just a bit of logic and sense and judgements that could save one

  4. It is essential to make people aware about the various remedies , legislation available to them if they face a situation like this will further strengthen the motive of writing the article in first place . Also it does not only happen in dating apps but some matrimonial apps / websites are also started to become a hub of such meddlers to get into . They post a full profile of an real person but they does not provide his or her own number and mention there own so that they can later ask for money if any of the interested party wants to meet with the person . It is simple violation of what these website say to there customers .

  5. This article is very useful and provide really good information. I like that thing in which it tell how we can protect ourself from these scam. And their just an opinion that the first point and the third point according to me same almost

  6. This article is very useful and it provide really good information. I like that thing in which it tell how we can protect ourself from these scam. And as an opinion from my side that the first point and the third point according to me are almost same.

  7. This article has been highly informative and speaks the truth as to how online dating and crimes related to online dating have received momentum in the recent years with the constant advancements in technology. However, I would like to point out a few points with regards to this article that I believe do not make sense to me. Firstly, in the first paragraph itself, the writer states that, a person who starts talking to an individual on an online dating website, shall run their background and take their details like taking their Aadhar Card details. I would like to point out, why would a person, on the very first online date, provide the other person with their Aadhar Card details? If at all, the details are provided, the person cannot really verify whether the Aadhar Card presented is an original one or a duplicate one. It is pretty easy to make a fake Aadhar Card, so this entire argument laid down by the learned writer seems flawed. Secondly, there are a lot of punctuation errors and apart from that there are a few spelling errors too, which the learned writer needs to check. Apart from that, young adults have become too intelligent these days and they know how to extensively take care of themselves online as well as offline, so I don’t think that an young adult, who is educated enough would fall into such traps. In fact, online crimes not only take place via dating websites, but even individuals who have been in relationships could do something which could tantamount to it being a cyber crime, if all, the partner after the break-up seeks to exact a revenge on his/her former boyfriend/girlfriend. Yes, I agree, that cyber crimes are very much prevalent in today’s world, however, dating websites aren’t the only source to be blamed.

  8. its an informative article which must be shared as much as it can because now a days these crimes are increasing and people must know about the crime and how they can save themselves and not getting trapped. this article also talks about law which is provided for the justice and if anyone is the victim of these crime can knock the door of court and plea for justice.

  9. The article is great when it comes over security these are preventive measures to protect yourself from online scam world. It is informative and the laws behinde them are greate to protect civilisation.

  10. The article dealt with the pros and cons of online dating. The motive and intention of the other person you met online can virtually never be known. Although through online dating no one wants to know the adhaar or the background of the other person , but yes before sharing any such information which can become a hurdle of problems in the future one must take time to get to know the person very well about the family as mentioned in the article. Moreover , the preventive measures mentioned were on point and informative.

  11. The article dealt with the pros and cons of online dating. The motive and intention of the other person you met online can virtually never be known. Although through online dating no one wants to know the adhaar or the background of the other person , but yes before sharing any such information which can become a hurdle of problems in the future one must take time to get to know the person very well about the family as mentioned in the article. Moreover , the preventive measures mentioned were on point.

  12. The article dealt with the pros and cons of online dating which is the most ongoing stuff in today’s life , specially in this pandemic. Preventive measures are on point and useful information for many. Before sharing any thing with the other person one should know that person in and out , virtually no one can be trusted .

  13. This article is very informative and useful to us. As it seen in lots of cases, some person only because on money do such kind of act. Now a day it is common that a child before eligible make account in FB and Instagram etc but according to law a child after 12 year eligible to make account in Facebook etc. So in such a little age they not understand what Is right and what not. And if we talk about young people they become victim of such kind of cases because of they keep away from their families and relative so they not able to get much love they need. In maximum case I read about this. According to me besides law we have to focus on the circumstances the person face. As cyber crime increasing now a day so main task is to prevent a criminal before they commit crimes create a awareness as Much as possible. Law is their but it nessaery to protect ourself first. This article is very informative and useful as it mentioned allow thing but it requires to add some recent cases so that people search that cases and get know the exact Facts.

  14. Wonderful article!!! representing about the crimes happening and may happen through online dating. The article brings out the various factors which make online dating land as harmful scam for those who use it will a little awareness or say no awareness at all. It enlightens one with the laws related to protection and punishment regarding the crimes happening in this particular area. The article promote a reader to know more about such crimes and awareness, about the crimes happening in this particular area with necessary precautionary steps.

  15. Wonderful article!!! representing cyber crimes happening, may happen and one related to online dating. It brings in light to the various fraudulent activities like internet activity theft, blackmailling and harassment, scams, etc, making online dating a topmost threat for people likely to use or become prey of such cyber crimes. It brings into light various laws more forward to help, protect and punish the one who commit such crimes.

  16. This article is very informative and each one who uses social media and such dating app should have a knowledge about this law

  17. As the world of online dating is picking pace in India,it is essential to spread knowledge and information about what all things can go wrong. This article talks about the same.It is very important if we learn from the West,where many cyber crimes have took place via onine dating platforms and spread awareness about the same. It is also very important to realise that even of some crime has been committed via online mode,it still has remedies and protection under Indian Laws which most of the people are not aware of.
    Article covers every aspect of what need to be done and what not.Well covered article!

  18. This article deals with the matter of cyber crimes which comes into place due to the online dating. For the safety issue in the cyber world the people need to be aware of all this stuff. There are many privacy issues and we should be keen while sharing important information with anyone and specially on such websites. In such apps we are not even aware , if the person in front of us do exists or not and we should be very careful while using such kind of things.

  19. This article is very informative and it helps in user awareness that how dating applications are doing fraud and without proper identification they authenticate the users then how users cheat.

  20. Online dating has its pros and cons as every other social media platform . Alike any other social platform like facebook and instagram , people upload their personally identifiable information on the sites without being certain how the site utilizes their information. The first step where users using these sites must undertake is to read the terms and conditions before confirming , this will make sure you know what data the site is storing and how it is using. secondly the user should verify the genuity of the application over the internet , if he /she finds that the app is fake or the app puts your personal information at stake , the user must remain as far as possible from the app.
    As said earlier in the article mos t of the apps are fake and are mainly scams to draw away your hard earned money . generally they are operated by some group of people or bots who lure you by posting adorable pics of people and start messaging where you next find a link to another website which is either a pornographic site , or a malicious website . Its better not to use any online dating platform or dating or any of that sort for ones own safety . If you intend to use one make sure its a very reputed one and obviously safe. There is a dark world out there we need to be aware of before doing anything that we might regret later.

  21. The online dating industry in India is one of the biggest dating industry all over the world. Nowadays many youngsters use these dating apps and later some of them become victims of cybercrimes. it is essential that youngsters must become aware of what all crimes happen on dating apps. this article is very informative and useful.

  22. overall, 55% of people that date online have experienced some form of threat or problem ranging from IT security incidents to meeting up with people that didn’t turn out to be who they claimed, or being rejected by potential matches.This article is quite useful for today’s youth who are now depends on the online dating apps for their relationships.

  23. The article explains about the online dating vulnerabilities, the types of cyber crime in the world of online dating and how to protect ourselves.t
    This article is highly informative that it helps onr to be aware of the online dating vulnerabilities and protect themselves from it .

  24. there can be lots of harm that can be caused by dating vulnerabilities they can hack you, put malwares, viruses Trojan spyware etc. if you forget to take care of your privacy you may face blackmailing ,money demanding, harm for your dignity and values. so to be safe stay away from online dating websites and portals. you might be using any anonymous name or any anonymous ID but it might be possible that they get your information like your home address and they will reach to your home and you will lose your all values. search dating websites and portals also contains some vulnerable ads, links if you click on them you will you can lose everything.

  25. The article good gives all the relevant information from how it affects and how to be safe from them.
    You can trust the person with you have spent so many years and then how can you expect that meeting online with a person will be beneficial for you.

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