February 11, 2025

27 thoughts on “NGO for making aware people regarding Cyber security,cyber crime .

  1. Even though the article contains some grammatical errors, it is actually very good because it is successful in describing the topic to a good extent and also because it has talked about the objectives of the NGO and much needed social service provided by it (the NGO). Moreover, the tips given in the article in order to prevent oneself from being a victim of the cyber crime are worth noting.

  2. Despite the grammatical errors and the punctuation mark errors.,the very well explained about the Organisation and this will be enough to bring awareness among people about cybercrimes. The precautionary measures to be taken to avoid cyber attacks from criminals are worth knowing and need to be formulated among the citizens. Thanks for such an amazing article.

  3. Great work! Mr. Shakeel Anjum. Very informative article, glad to know people are working towards safe cyber space.

  4. The article very precisely highlights the menace of cyber crimes in the country and the benevolent work that the Cyber Welfare Society is undertaking to promote awareness in the society. The general tips given to prevent falling prey to these crimes are indeed very helpful and worth knowing by every person using the cyberspace.

  5. Even though there are some grammatical mistakes but The article is worth reading as it has briefly described the recent cybercrimes and by knowing them, one will be in a better position to prevent oneself from being a victim of the cyber crimes.

  6. The article gives information about the work done by the NGO. The awareness caused by this NGO is great to work. The basic information on cyber crimes and how to stay aware and not fall into the traps of the cybercriminals is the main point of this article. The writer did a great job.

  7. As we all know that the world of cyber crime is very perplexing. Ordinary citizen do not know what all things are going in the background of their devices. The author have explained how to protect ourselves from cyber criminals in a very concise and simple language. But still there are many people who are not aware of various types of cyber crime.
    Conducting seminars, Posting blogs, Spreading well-researched content of cyber crime on social media so to educate people as much as possible.
    NGO is a great platform to spread awareness and educate people about the world they are unaware about.

  8. apart from a few minor grammatical errors, the article is well drafted. the article tells the readers about the NGO, the founder and their work. It would’ve be better, if the article briefly described how the NGO works in the police and other governmental agencies and authorities. despite these few shortcomings, the article in a very brief and precise manner, describes the how a cyber criminal operates and also spreads awareness as how to save oneself from a cyber crime.

    1. very knowledgeable article…this tells us about the how to protect from the the cyber crime.

  9. This is a well written and very informative article, it accurately describes how ngo work to make people aware about cyber crimes. Overall great work

  10. The article provide measures to curb the menace of Cyber crime and how to be vigilant against potential cyber crimes. These measures will help to ameliorate the perils of Cyber crimes.

  11. The article is constructive as in it highlights the importance of Cyber crime and gives measures that can be taken to prevent them. There are a few grammatical mistakes which hinders the interest of the person reading it. Overall, the crust of the matter was explained very well by the author.

  12. very well written article and indeed NGOs play an important role in spreading awareness and cyber crime and precautions .

  13. yes, everybody in our society should know about cybercrime and how cybercrime is been committed by people.
    this article provides good information about cybercrime and how to protect yourselves from cybercrimes.i will suggest everybody to read this article.

  14. yes, everybody should have knowledge about cybercrime, and taking measures to protect yourself from cyberattack.everybody read this article once.

  15. I’ve read across the different suggestions given to readers in this article and it is comprehensive and accurate. it is of utmost importance that this should be a stage for education for us young teenagers against the crimes that are happening. this is well written and i’d totally suggest everyone to read it if given the opportunity. there are a few grammatical errors but otherwise the article is well done.

  16. the article tells about everything a person need to know about this NGO ,a well written ,precise and quite knowledgeable for a person who has no idea about the happenings of a crime like this, basic information provided about the topic .could have included some aspects about law in this regard else its informative in its own way

  17. It’s all about taking responsibility for welfare of people and protecting them from such cyber crimes. Really appreciative for what work this NGO is doing.

  18. Very informative article , how NGOs are working to aware people’s about the different types of cyber crime .. great step towards the control over cyber crimes .

  19. Great wrok. The article gives information about the work done by the NGO. The awareness promoted by this NGO is great work and got to learn about the welfare society and the person behind all this idea. The basic information on cyber crimes and how to stay aware and not fall into the traps of the cyber criminals is the main point of this article.

  20. This article describes the need to aware people for cyber crime. An appreciating initiative was taken by Cyber Welfare Society to highlight this issue which is actually the matter of concern.

  21. Awareness is the only thing that can help in becoming victims of cyber crimes. The NGO is doing a great work in making people aware about cyber crime and providing suggestions on how to prevent occurrence of this crime. The NGO has a great objective.

  22. There are a few grammatical errors in the article, however, it is well-written. A few personal suggestions would have been nice but otherwise it’s comprehensive and articulately detailed.

  23. The article very precisely highlights the menace of cyber crimes in the country and the benevolent work that the Cyber Welfare Society is undertaking to promote awareness.

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