January 18, 2025

27 thoughts on “Filing cyber complaint in India

  1. This article is surely very much needed in these times especially because lot of incidents go unreported because people dont know the procedures that they have to follow to have justice and i think the author did an excellent job in classifying the type of complaints so that it gives an easy understanding to the user.

  2. This article is beneficial for every online user. The proper segregation makes it easier to grasp the content. Owing to the lack of awareness among the people, an easy to understand procedure for filing a complaint is very useful.

  3. This article provides essential information on how to approach authorities and concerned departments which deals with helping victims and providing justice if faced any type of cyber crime.

  4. Thank you for providing essential information about how to file a cyber complaint in India .. got to know about the details how to approach for a cyber complaint.

  5. This article felt a little raw? The sequence of information could have been managed better. But in overall its a good article , really helpful and informative.

  6. Most of the victims of cyber crime do not get the complain registered because they don’t understand the intensity of crime and further spread of such crimes which may happen as a result of unreported crimes. To take criminals down, it is of utmost importance that maximum number of crimes gets reported. In order to achieve that objective, the government has made an attempt to make the procedure as simple as possible and easily available as you have to just go on the website and register the complaint.
    The author has compiled data from authentic sources and the information is apt and of utmost use to the readers.

  7. This article is a helping hand to those who ever hunt by cyber crime and because of lack of knowledge they are not able to file a complaint.

  8. The article is informative, however, hinderances to filing the complaint should also have been mentioned. For instance, most women find it difficult to file a complaint and sometimes they are also scared off by the officers in the name of reputation and the shame that the victim has to face in front of the society.

  9. This is of utmost importance as a layman doesn’t know how to file a complaint against such cyber crimes. Many times they don’t report such issues as they think that the procedure is really complex, but this article is really informative and gives the detailed knowledge as to how these complaints can be filed. This article is very beneficial for everyone.

  10. The risks of cyber crime can be mitigated and reduced. The impact can be reduced by making systems more resilient, detecting it earlier etc. You can plan ahead for how to respond to an attack. You can have excellent security, but the risk is never zero.
    A simple language article which helps in understanding for the readers.

  11. This article is very useful. It informs the readers about their rights and the whole procedure to file a complaint against the offender.

  12. These kind of articles are a surprise to come by. This is a basic information that every internet user should know. Many are in the dark about these procedures. I am glad that I could come across this article.

  13. Many people don’t know how to react or what to do when cybercrime takes place with them. It is a very informative article.

  14. This article is very helpful and very nice and what I most like about this article that it is self explanatory and we don’t need to take refrence from other places to understand this topic and has explained the whole procedure.

  15. Very helpful article providing all the details and procedure of reporting of a cybercrime.

  16. An essential article as many complaints left unregistered because many people are unaware about the process of different kinds of cyber crimes.

  17. Many people who are victims of cyber crime do not file complaint or report the crime because they are unaware of the procedure they have to follow. This article is much needed so as to help such people and at the same time provide information to others.

  18. This article is very helpful for the people who don’t know how to file a complaint against the cyber crimes. It is well synchronized. Also, there is an online portal for filing a complaint which can be made anonymously also.

  19. The article is very much helpful that it explains about filing cyber crime in India . By this article people in India can be aware or can learn how to file cyber complaint in India .

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