January 18, 2025

19 thoughts on “IPR in India

  1. it is very good article but according it such a nice and innovative topic to write an article on. The author should elaborate on it.

  2. The article is very informative and especially for a newbie and i really like how the author has pointed out the issues on which we have to work on to make it more feasible.

  3. The article gives a general understanding of IPR in India along with the suitable links so that the interested people can learn more.
    It is a well-suited article for a layman however little bit of elaboration of the pointers would make the topic more clear for all type of audience.

  4. Veey good article and much need topic which need to be addressed. Got to know about the IPR and the article gives a general understanding of IPR in India along with the suitable links so that the interested people can learn more. I really like how the author has pointed out the issues on which we have to work on to make it more feasible.

  5. An outstanding content for the needy ones who wants whole knowledge about Intellectual Property rights at one stop.

  6. This article briefly outlines the basics about Intellectual Property Rights in India and also the problems related to it. Worth sharing with others.

  7. Intellectual Property Rights is a very vast concept. India has a number of acts which are dealing with this aspect. India not only follows the codified law but also the common law principles in this regard. However, the author has made a good attempt at providing some basic level of information about IPR in India.

  8. IPR is a vast topic and can be interpreted in various ways. The author has not explained the various typed of IPR in detail and the laws related to them. There is no mention of the various acts and sections available in this regard. A case law is highly recommended in such topics. Patent Co-operation Treaty should have been explained rather than just being mentioned.

  9. IPR is a wide topic and can be interpreted in various ways. The author has not explained the various typed of IPR in detail and the laws related to them. There is no mention of the various acts and sections available in this regard. A case law is highly recommended in such topics. Patent Co-operation Treaty should have been explained rather than just being mentioned.

  10. This article is one of the best I have read so far. Deep knowledge regarding IPR is given in this and detailed analysis of every aspect of IPR is done. A layman can also get to know what does IPR mean by this article. Good work.

  11. One of the most informative article on IPR I’ve ever come across. IPR is a pretty big thing, and this article pinpoints the main parts of a vast knowledge.

  12. Honestly it is one of the best article I’ ve ever come across about this topic this article provides deep knowledge regarding IPR and a detailed analysis of every aspect of IPR is done by the author.Well done

  13. The article gives a general understanding of IPR in India along with the suitable links so that the interested people can learn more.

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