Keeping a unique password for every single app could be tough but it is important. You might not put the effort due to various reasons and it could lead you to an unavoidable situation.?
What is the solution✅?
➡️Think of an password which is personal to you (not your crush, husband, wife, your own name, mobile number, family etc) and the app’s name.
➡️Combining them both will help you to create a unique password for each app which will be easy to remember as well.
➡️Do not use the same pattern everywhere. Use UPPERCASE in some and lowercase in others.
➡️Numbers and using special characters :/-) can also help you create a unique password.
➡️In order to keep the record write your passwords in a “personal diary” which you can refer to in case you tend to forget them.
Hope this helps.?
Change your password time to time .
By Shruti bubna
Shruti Bubna is a digital marketer by profession. Along with her full time duties as a professional digital and social media marketeer, she continues to be a student and a learner of this ever evolving field and takes active interest in spreading knowledge and skills of this domain through her writing and speaking engagements.
With the increasing number of cyber crimes like hacking,online stalking ,or online harassment the social media users should change their passwords of their accounts.
Password are very important to us. We should keep in mind that this is a personal information and shouldn’t be shared with everyone. All the points mentioned in the article are important.