February 10, 2025

16 thoughts on “COVID-19 FRAUD

  1. During breakdown of coronavirus pandemic most of the criminal targeting people through website or app. We download app without getting any information about app then that fraud types app or website can harm our computer or peraonal life. This awareness of about fraud app and website by this article that make people to aware and secure.

  2. A well-written comprehensive article covering all points and the personal touch of suggestions in the form of tips was a nice addition.

  3. Very well written article and the best topic which was to be discussed in this time of pandemic.
    And in this period of lockdown most of people are socially active and in this case cyber crime can be executed very easily.
    Every person should be aware of the apps and sites the do install or visit.

  4. Just because of corona panic it a good opportunity for hakers to hake our data because now a day all people are doing online transfer and no physical asset was used

  5. Just because of corona panic it a good opportunity for hakers to hake our data because now a day all people are doing online transfer and no physical asset was used.

  6. This article gave us a lot of awareness related to cyber crimes which are going on in this Pandemic time .
    As we all know we all are facing crisis due to lock-down and people are going crazy as they are not allowed to go outside and therefore they are downloading certain apps believing that these apps could help them in various ways but these apps are misusing their privacy.

  7. During this coronavirus pandemic most the criminals are trying to use the fear of the people to collect the data of the users and use it for malicious purposes. Even government is trying to collect your data using “Arogya Setu” app. The article is well written but uses words such as “may” or “can” which does not give us a concrete explanation that how the data is been stolen and how it is being used by the criminals. You could have used some of the privacy policies of such apps and could have shown how they are so vague which does not protect the data of the user. The suggestions in the end are really helpful.

  8. It is good that the article is successful in covering the topic. Considering the Corona pandemic, the article is an important one. Moreover, tips are worth noting.

  9. Due to this COVID-19 pandemic, people are more atracted towards the use of mobile apps as a source of entertainment or source of knowledge and this gave an opportunity to the fraud minded people to use these apps as a way to users privacy and data base. This article completely focuses on the prevention of such crimes and provide sufficient measures and tips as to how a person can keep himself safe from such crime. This gives the much needed information that we all need to protect ourselves from being a victim to cyber crime.

  10. A comprehensive and well written article. This post awares us about the sad reality of how some people take advantage of others in such hard time as well.

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