Shakeel Anjum:– Energy minister Priyavrat Singh met people during the ‘ Griha Nagar Pravas’ and heard their...
Central India first english/Hindi online news portal.It offers everything from politics, tech, cyber security, digital journalism, social media and sports to entertainment, much like a newspaper or news channel.
Shruti Saxena :– Mobile Phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. Not a...
Damini Tripathi:- Bhopal, Illegal Gumtis were removed from MP nagar, after that a meeting was held between...
Prakash Hindustani :– First Day, First Show FilmReview : #Super30 #सुपर30 बिहारी केवल ओरिजनल होते हैं। उनकी...
प्रमेन्द्र मोहन :– एक और प्रेमकहानी और एक बार फिर लड़की नायिका, प्रेमी नायक और लड़की का...
राकेश अचल:- गोवा और कर्नाटक में इन दिनों जो हो रहा है वो भारतीय लोकतंत्र के इतिहास...
Initiatives for conservation and infrastructural development taken by Shri Jaivardhan Singh in Madhya Pradesh Under urban development...
Energy minister Mr. Priyavart Singh said that there will be a plan in 2019-2020 state budget regarding...
सुशील मालवीय:- क्या आप जानते हैं की कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता या आर्टिफिशल इंटेलिजेंस (AI) क्या है जब से...
Neermeti Patole :- A message is being circulated in which India has won the following which Jadhav...