Internet is easily accessible to every single person nowadays, what with the it all being a click away. As such, it seems plausible that children may get exposed to stuff that’s too inappropriate for their age. So let’s see the Hazards A Child Faces Online.
Why Do Children Feel Attracted To SNS?
Social media is deemed a necessity these days. Moreover, the fad is even more intense among the youth. Children see the act of possessing multiple social accounts as a sign of their ‘coolness’. While this may be okay up to a limit, what they fail to understand is how vicious a network the web is.

Posting Personal Information
Once they get hold of a social account, children start posting all sorts of stuff online. After all, sharing what you’re doing with everyone is the very purpose of SNS, right? But they don’t forsee the fact that a single picture posted online can become a means of future torture. Another thing is that, they may unknowingly post some sensitive personal information online, thus jeopardizing their safety.
Cyber Bullying
Another different way in which they can be caught up in a mess is cyber bullying. The likes of a student’s classmates might take to the comments section to badmouth and spread hate. Or, in really serious cases, they may actually become the target of bullying from unknown persons, who just use the SNS as a mask to spread hate.
Cyber Stalking
Cyber stalking is another thing children need to be aware of. They need to know that it’s not right for an unknown person to take too much interest in their online activity. They need to steer clear of befriending strangers online, no matter how friendly and nice they seem.
Parents’ Details
Another thing to take care of is that many a time, a child uses social media or other net services via his/her parents’ phones. As such, the super sensitive information such as bank details and PIN, are at a greater risk of being revealed online unintentionally. So, parents need to be extra careful about their child’s online activity in such cases.
Infact, parents always need to be extra careful about their child’s online activity. Here’s an article about how they can keep the child in check.
Generally children are vulnerable due to the fact that they do not have the emotional maturity that can come only from experience. Social media throws situations at them that they need to experience with age. But, they are exposed prematurely to these situations and have to face consequences that are disastrous for them.
Exactly child can be easy prey to cyber criminals. This duty is over parents to keep a watch over the activity of their child on internet.
Educational institutes and parents are required to aware their children about such crimes. They don’t have to be authoritative to do so. Making and developing trust and supervising them is very necessary.