Kiev, Ukraine - October 17, 2012 - A logotype collection of well-known social media brand's printed on paper. Include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Vimeo, Flickr, Myspace, Tumblr, Livejournal, Foursquare and more other logos.
“Some of the most poisonous things come disguised as Social Media.”
From reshaping communication industry to entrenching the lives of millions, social media has become an intrinsic part of today’s world. In present milieu, everybody is a juvenile or an adult is addicted to Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp.
Being one of the most eloquent organs in the history of the internet, it is debated as for being a boon or a bane depending on the polarizing behavior of the population. Social media is a blessing as it helps one to companionship with people from different nooks and corners of the world. Giving huge pushup to various startups and companies through digital marketing. Social media provides an expression, platform to the creators’ ideas, critics’ criticism
and freedom of speech to the general public. Moreover, it one of the most matchless reference for boosting one’s knowledge. Social media blends the demarcations brought up in the world and gives a sense of global community.
But all that glitters is not gold.
Social media is a labeled slow poison which once gobbled up makes one addictive to it. It undoubtedly connects with the world but disconnects one from their own abode, such an obsession today which has caused relationship frauds, health issues and even cyberbullying. Copyright contravention and unauthorized sharing of data make one vulnerable to lose his source of income. Fake news spreads like gasoline catching fire. Hackers are there to steal the data and scams are there to make users as victims. While the controversy remains heated up it is one’s own duty to riddle out the solution and take the action correctly.
As excess of everything is bad so usage of Social Media should also be restricted.