Seems everyone is having fun with “Selfies” these days. Unless you’ve been living under a rock …you would know that the term “Selfie” is taking a photo of yourself alone or with friends with your own camera. Is is narcissistic or self obsessed or just good fun?
Selfies are a fun way to take photos of yourself that you control, presenting the image of yourself that you want to. To make sure that you have a healthy relationship with selfies, and that you share them safely here’s a few tips!
1. Don’t take selfies that may embarrass you or your friends in the future!
2. Don’t rely on “likes” on your selfies to feel loved or popular
3. Too many selfies might make others think you are too self obsessed
4. Be careful who you share selfies with, check your privacy settings!
5. Be sensitive if someone doesn’t want to be part of your selfie
6. Always make sure you ask all in the selfie with you if it’s OK to share it before doing so.
7. Try getting your favorite pet to take a selfie!
Article By – Harshita C. Jadhav
This article is basic. However, teenagers do rely on the likes as if their life depends on it, not very careful who they share their pictures with as they want their pictures to reach as many people as possible for the number of likes to increase and they do take pictures embarrassing their friends, though taken with an intention to have a little fun but could go wrong.
We are a generation that measures one’s value through one’s social media standing.
beware when posting your selfies! With tools like photoshop and other photo editing softwares, you never can tell how your photos will be used!
Keep private life private in order to avoid a lot of prospective problems.