February 11, 2025

8 thoughts on “Online FIR

  1. In this digital era the concept of e-FIR is of great importance for both the police and the citizens. Police records of the criminals are been recorded in the computer systems which makes it easier for the police to check on the previous records of the accused in the given cases. Some people because of a threat or fear were previously unable to seek help from police but now the time has changed and thus we should make more and more people aware of this concept of e-FIR’s.

  2. Online FIR is like boon for this busy society. It takes short time to file FIR. There is no need of more paperwork and burden of keeping it safe. It helps police person as well as public.

  3. We are living in modern area where every thing is done on internet, this article tells very much about it.

  4. I rhink the concept of E-FIR is the one which should have been introduced long back. But now that it’s here it is very very beneficial to the police force and also to the citizens of India. In this modern era, everything is done digitally and I think a lot of time and money is saved after introduction of this concept. The concept of uploading of FIR online within 24 hrs is a great step. The article is beautifully written

  5. E-FIR not only makes the work easier but also makes in handy. But with boon, there is always bane, E-FIR can be mis-filed to ruin someone’s reputation, as its easy to falsely claim things online, as they do not have to face the police. Also E-FIRs cannot be filed by non-internet users, and makes it a kind of things which everyone cannot afford.

  6. Online FIR is like boon for this busy society. It takes short time to file FIR. There is no need of more paperwork and burden of keeping it safe. It helps police person as well as public.

  7. Online FIR are time saving and most importantly police won’t harass any victims and victim can easily explain what had happened

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