February 23, 2025

17 thoughts on “IPTV AND OTT LAWS IN INDIA

  1. Good topic.. As, earlier I was not aware about this topic in detail you have explained well and clear the topic.. Thank you for the good informative explanation.

  2. Article is very informative and exclusive to the readers. It is a fact that OTT and IPTV platforms are gaining popularity in our nation. But with the them a swarm of issues are also being questioned. The shows feels like have filled with excessive nudity, violence and graphic in nature and it could easily be reached by young children. Some third party websites and softwares are also providing for subscription in less price making this an opportunity for black marketing. Clearly there are violations in the name of business being made here so a well adhered and updated legislation is need for regulation of OTT and IPTV platforms also.

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