February 22, 2025

5 thoughts on “Cyber Terrorism and Law

  1. It’s a good decision by the government and all citizens of India should follow it.Good article and best wishes for the writer

  2. A comprehensive article that notes the nature of cyber terrorism at both, domestic and international jurisdictions. Indian domestic laws have been listed that regulates such activities and International Conventions have also been presented that control cyber terrorism activities. An informative piece on a important issue in the current situation.

  3. Today, cyber terrorism presents a moderately new test for law implementation and government arrangement creators. Fear based oppressor bunches including ISIS has likewise been effective at utilizing digital wrongdoing as a significant financing source. The entirety of this has persuaded “Tomorrow’s fear monger might have the option to accomplish more harm with a console than with a bomb.” Many have come to accept tomorrow is today. Some have even come to accept that the digital fear based oppressors’ abilities is near coordinating their wants. As of late at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing it was recognized exactly how broadly digital psychological warfare has spread. This issue space is being extended and entangled by the quick spread of new advances (generally associated with the Internet) that are being actualized. The usage of these new innovation gadgets significantly grows an as of now target rich condition for fear based oppressors looking to dispatch troublesome and harming digital assaults.Law implementation at all levels are required to be incorporated into a digital fear mongering hazard moderation program so as to ensure the individuals they serve.

  4. India adopt new amendments regarding the IT Act after the Mumbai attack November 2008.These are amendments which contains the provisions relating to cyber Terrorism.Cyber Terrorism is considered as a death penalty in india.There are many measures adopted by the Indian government to avoid future cyber terrorism

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