February 13, 2025


  1. There are huge number of people who are using internet all over the world. Internet has great power but this power is sometimes used in an negative way. People all over the globe had made internet as integral part of their lives, which can be dangerous as well, seeing the rapid rise in the cyber crime rate. The whole world is facing the problem of cyber crime and this article has beautifully lined out lots of facts and figures related to cyber crime and how different countries are dealing this cause by formulating strict cyber laws. This article was informative!!!

  2. This is a well researched article which exhibits the amount of research put into it. it takes into account cyber laws of different countries such as US, China, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

  3. Well researched article and includes all the needed information about cyber laws in these countries.

  4. A well-researched article stating cyberlaws from various jurisdictions. The article proposes important legislative information that countries such as India can learn from. The digitally advanced nations set exemplary policies that ensure innovation while guaranteeing safety.

  5. Well scrutinized article!
    Cyberattacks have become an existential danger to numerous nations as the assaults, on money related administrations to influence age offices, undermine the constancy and uprightness of various mechanical sections. Subsequently, controllers all through the world are stepping in to attempt to drive important activity where they trust it is required. Regularly these early endeavors are the harbingers of future enactment and bring forth standard methodologies and gatherings to discuss the adequacy in approaches.

  6. A very informational article. Cyber crime rate is on a rise all over the world. US and China are among the top countries at risk of cyber attacks. So. it was quite edifying to understand about the laws prevailing in these countries. Hopefully, India can also draw inspiration from the cyber laws of other nations to strengthen its cyber security. It is also necessary to have international conventions against the new rising problem of cyber warfare and cyber terrorism.

  7. This is an interesting topic regarding cybercrime laws in different countries. We should also be aware of those laws as we could get some new ideas from that for us. It explained about the laws in different countries in a descriptive manner regarding the concerned issue. The countries mentioned are more digital than India and need to be more aware of all these issues and they are doing it. The laws should be implemented properly and it would keep the crime rate in control.

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