Cyber space is full of malicous content, ready to attack anyone who’s note careful and prudent. And so, it’s always wise to be wary of online activities, and watch out for what one encoutners over the SNS, not to mention, how to ‘Be Safe Online’
Don’t Share Too Much
Social media has essentially been developed to allow people to share the moments of their lives online. But that doesn’t mean that one gets to post whatever they feel like, without thinking of the consequences. Always refrain from posting any questionable or controversial content online, as it can cause severe backlash. Be careful while posting pictures, as any picture can be a potential weapon for a fraud. Be wary of sharing details such as current location and the like.
Never Share Bank Details
Be extra vigilant while making online transactions. Online payment platforms are full of frauds trying to extort money, and dupe customers. Never ever share your bank details, especially your OTP or PIN, online.
Steer Clear Of Cyber Bullying
If you ever find any hateful comment or message directed towards you or towards any person known to you, don’t hesitate to report them. Cyber bullying is a serious crime, and one needs to be super careful to steer clear of bullies.
Don’t Get Cyber Stalked
As if stalking someone in real life wasn’t enough, creeps have taken to stalking people online as well. They lurk in the person’s comments and messagesmessages, keeping their eyes peeled for any activity on the victim’s part. They may even resort to blackmail or bullying. If you ever face this, report them immediately.
Watch Out For Hidden Eyes
Finally, cyber stalking can also take the form of spying on unassuming people using cameras. These may be installed and obscured in bedrooms, washrooms, and changing rooms. Always check to ensure that you’re not being watched, if you ever end up entering any of the above ‘private areas’.
Taking simple measures and being vigilant can go a long way in protecting you from cyber crime.
But, legal action can always be taken should you wish to. And it pays to be aware of the cyber laws that can help you out. Check out the link below for more information.
Prevention is better than cure. A saying that applies to encountering cybercrimes. Cyberspace sure is exciting, but one has to navigate it with care.
Very good article
Having vigilent will protect you