Source: economictimes.com
With so many students losing themselves in the tough competition with the world, what can we do to make them feel worthy?
Exam results are one of the peak times when students commit suicide. We are living in a society where marks equal to respect, job career etc. Even though many companies want good communication skills and outgoing attitude, yet many students are pressurized by parents to get good marks. Students feel the burden and end up harming themselves.
Recently, A 20-year-old IIT student ended his life. He left a suicide note saying that he is sorry for doing it and blames it solely on himself. He calls himself unworthy and asks his parents not to miss him as he has let them down. During investigation, his diary was found which showed signs of depression. It also mentioned that he was scoring poor grades and failed to secure a job. He was found hanging by the ceiling of his hostel room.

This is not the first time such an incident has happened. In the year 2017, A student from IIM University (Lucknow) named Soham Mukherjee hanged himself to a ceiling fan. Unfortunately, no suicide note was found. There are many incidents of suicides from the age group of 18-25, who are the most productive group compared to any other age group.
A student commits suicide every hour in India. This is an alarming situation which may lead to drop in economic productivity. Families go through unrecoverable trauma which is unimaginable. Steps need to be taken to prevent suicides. Students are an important resource to our country who shape our economy in the future. They work hard to make our world better, so why don’t we make enough efforts to make them feel worthy?
Make them feel worthy:
Students who study from IIT’s or IIM’s are usually very bright. When they do not score marks and get a job of their dreams, their hopes are crushed. At such a time, parents must boost their confidence. A good word in such a harsh time will stop something tragic from happening.
There is always a next time:
Usually when students face failures in life, their thought process is, will there be a next time? This might be my last chance. What will my parents say? How will I face the society? Students must remember that there is always a next time. Do not let failures hold yourself back. Instead try harder with a positive outlook. Maybe, there is something better in store for you. Just keep looking and do not lose hope.
Parents should be mindful:
It is totally understandable that a sense of disappointment comes through when your child does not do well in his/her exams. But it is on you to observe whether they are hardworking or not. If you see them trying hard and not being successful, understand that they have given their best at the present point of time. Push them to work hard and give them a good pat on the back. Say that you are proud of them whenever you see them working hard.
Give them freedom:
Sometimes students feel that they are not the right person for the job. He/she might have done engineering but realise that they are not cut for the job. In such situation they might change their stream from science to anything of their interest. Students feel depressed because they have lost 4 years of their life and need to start over again. Parents usually blame them to make such a decision. This is a vulnerable time for students to get into depression. Support them anyway. Understand the career they want to pursue and analyse if they are making the right choice. Without researching, do not impose your judgement on them. It will only make them more depressed.
Students are valuable to the country. They should be motivated to work hard whether they succeed or not. Keep observing them and understand their mindset and thought process. This will help in knowing whether they are happy or not. Many a times due to negligence, parents never know that their children are going through depression. Give them enough choice but also advise them on the decisions they make.
Sources: www.timesofindia.com, www.economictimes.indiatimes.com, www.hindustantimes.com