February 23, 2025

11 thoughts on “मोबाइल पेमेंट ऐप ‘भीम’ के यूजर्स से जुड़े करीब 72.6 लाख रिकॉ‌र्ड्स एक वेबसाइट पर सार्वजनिक हो गए

  1. Kindly elaborate the subject some more , also it would be helpful for researchers if recent judgement was also included in the article as well . Case laws are very crucial because they clarify about the situation very much . It is equally important to mention the source of information and cite it if possible so that if any reader wants he or she can go through the source to understand about the topic in depth .

  2. Yes Its True But This Things Happend.Cause I Saw here In India They Dont Know How This Things Happpend.We Need To Tell Them How We Secured Our Self From This Type Of Attacks.great News I Studied This Case This Is Happend Cause Lack Of Awareness.But That Much data Hack Is Possible..Its Not Like One By One Hack. I Belive That Attcker Found Something Crticle Vulnerbility And Exploiting It Like Api, Server And Etc..

  3. common people doesn’t know this type of very important information whereas i also don’t know about this BHIM upi loopholes before reading this article so we have to work together to spread this type of important information to the common people.well done sir. Thank you for providing this type of articles.

  4. Ok I find the necessary data but I think the article should have focussed more on personal opinions, suggestion for what could have been done and conclusion.

  5. most people don’t know that their data can be hacked if we give permissions randomly.most of the people just click on I AGREE and skip the don’t check the app is taking all the permission,Even the permission which is not required to run this app.

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