Shruti Saxena:–
” I Quit” these are just two words but for few people they define their lives. They explain their experiences and struggles. These few words are generally found on walls or suicide notes of those individuals who are suffering from mental illness also refers to wide range of mental health conditions.
World health organisation (WHO) defines health as state of complete physical, mental and social well being. This means being healthy is not entirely physical or physiology but also involve mind or psyche of a person. These include thoughts, behaviour and emotional status of a person. Being mentally healthy is important for being physically healthy and it includes absence of any kind of mental illnesses.
Today, a huge percentage of people are suffering from mental illness also called mental disorders. Some of which includes Depression, anxiety,panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder etc. These cause emotional disturbances in a person’s life. Severe levels leads to suicidal thoughts and ultimately person ends her or his life.
There is increase in the number of suicide cases in India irrespective of age,gender or occupation. Recently, a man committed suicide at civil lines metro station by jumping infront of a moving train in Delhi. Victim’s name was Nitin and after inspection it was found that he was suffering from depression for the last two years. During the month of April, a elderly man in his 60’s also committed suicide by jumping infront of metro. Recently the legislative assembly was informed that around 12000 farmers in Maharashtra have committed suicide between 2015 to 2018.
There are more such cases of suicides. Reason for this are many some of which includes financial pressures, failure in career, unemployment, peer pressure, interpersonal conflict, higher expectations, death of closed one and many more. People have negative thoughts and are think that they are incapable of handling these pressures.
One major reason for mental illness and suicides are lack of awareness regarding mental health. People suffering from these illness are considered deviant from society and commonly called “pagal”.
People still seek help from so called saints to solve such problems. Therefore what we need is knowledge to be deciminated to people about ways to deal with such mental problems.
Government has finally decriminalized suicides. People who survives suicide will not be punished and will be provided treatment. There are various NGO’s and private organisations that help people who suffering from disorders. Counselor are recruited by every school and college today to help students cope with pressures. One of the major step towards mental health is to Talk and Listen. People are busy in their lives but today what we require is empathy. We should try to listen and talk to people suffering from mental health. Even people who suffering should not be scared to seek help.
Man commit suicide by jumping in front of metro
Over 12000 farmers commited suicide