Maharashtra is the second top state after Uttar Pradesh where the maximum number of cases related to cyber crime were registered during 2016. The ranking was based on the incidence as well as percentage share in the total cases of cyber crimes registered across India last year.
As per the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, total 2,380 cyber crime cases were registered in Maharashtra during 2016. The corresponding data for the same period for Uttar Pradesh is 2,639. Karnataka is on the third rank with 1,101 cases of cyber crimes of the same period. The registration of cyber cases will even go higher with the opening of more cyber police stations in Maharashtra,” Brijesh Singh, Inspector General of Police, Head – Maharashtra Cyber and Director General of Directorate General of Information and Public Relations (DGIPR) told the Free Press Journal.
The state where the digitisation and literacy rates are higher, the cyber crime cases are bound to naturally go up. Maharashtra is the only state in India which is opening one cyber crime police station in each district. We have also created 44 cyber labs across Maharashtra.” Singh. As per the NCRB data, the total number of cyber crime cases registered under Information Technology (IT) Act in Maharashtra in 2016, were 359. These cases were registered under the sections of publication / transmission of obscene / sexually explicit Act, etc in electronic form.
Maharashtra’s Superintendent of Police (SP), Cyber, Bal Rajput said the awareness among people in Maharashtra is good. “Maharashtra is a vast state where the pace of digitisation is faster than other states. Secondly, the number of cyber crime cases prove that we are not refusing to register these cases. We are open to register cyber crime cases and have been continuously spreading awareness among people regarding cyber threats.” The number of cyber crime cases registered under sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC) Act, involving computer as medium or target, was 2006 last year.
The total 1879 and 2195 cyber crime cases, registered under sections of IT Act and IPC Act, were registered in 2014 and 2015 respectively in Maharashtra. “The states where the digitisation and literacy rates are higher, the cyber crime cases are bound to, naturally, go up”, said Brijesh Singh, Inspector General of Police, Head, Maharashtra Cyber cell.
Article By Siddhi Dinesh Shivtarkar
Editing By Mahima Gupta
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