Childhood is a vulnerable state. Funding children for their survival are projects that support legal assistance to children. Other kinds of support can include individual,group treatment and therapy as well as alternative care for a child where the home environment is deemed unsuitable.
Sensitivity is the key word where one and all should be extremely cautious while handling kids Concept of abuse involves physical,psychological and sexual abuse against children.
The WHO defines Physical Abuse as ” Intentional use of physical force against the child that results in,or has a high likelihood of resulting in – Harm for child’s health,survival,development or dignity. This includes physical torture, This includes physical abuse,human bite marks,burns on the arms,legs,frequent bone fractures.
• Due to Physical abuse the child stay’s depressed
• Withdrawal from friends.
• The child seems overly watchful,on edge,as if anticipating something bad is going to happen.
• Sudden loss of self-confidence.
• Self harm or attempts at suicide.
• Injuries that don’t match the given explanation by the child.
Child Sexual Abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older person abuses a child for sexual stimulation. This includes possessing images of child pornography, inappropriate sexual touching of a child.
• Due to sexual abuse children may be bribed or threatened by their abuser.
• Loss of self-self-confidence or self-esteem
• Sexual behaviour or knowledge that’s inappropriate for the child’s age.
Abuse can also be the neglect of a child’s fundamental needs,which could harm the development of the child and his/her physical,mental and emotional health. 1.2 million children are victims of Commercial,Sexual Exploitation (CSE). Annually around the world research shows that as many as 1 in 3 girls,and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually abused in their childhood. Mostly 90% are committed by someone who the child knows and trusts.
Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.
“Justice must always question itself, just as society can exist only by means of the work it does on itself and on its institutions”.
child abuse
Article By Zoha
Editing by Mahima Gupta
introductory article on child abuse.