Akash Vijayvargia, son of Senior BJP leader Kailash Vijayvargiya, who is a legislator in Madhya Pradesh, is arrested for beating up a civic body official with a cricket bat. The incident took place at the Ganji compound as Municipal Corporation was the demolishing of a building of his supporter. The whole incidence took place in broad light, in the presence of cops and the public.
Akash, who was arrested by MG road police is produced before the local court for assaulting a Zonal officer of Indore Municipal Corporation.
The Municipal Corporation officers were at an anti-encroachment drive when the whole incident took place. It was headed by Zonal officer Dhirendra Byas and Asit Khare. The team headed to demolish a two- storey ‘ dangerous’ building in Ganji Compound when the team was approached by Akash Vijayvargiya and his supporters. Mr. Vijayvargia stood at a situation to threaten the team of the results their actions might produce.
Within a while, the argument got heated up. Akash Vijayvargia lost temper and attacked Dhirendra Byas. But the situation was brought in control by the intervening cops.
A video has also gone viral of Akash, assaulting the Officer. Consequently, IMC staff went on a flash strike and staged a protest against the Indore-3 MLA. Cases under IPC sections 353, 294, 506, 147, and 148 have been registered against him and 10 others.
Later the MLA told the journalists that the bulldozing was politically enraged and the condition of the building is not so bad that it can’t withstand the upcoming rains.
While narrating the episode he even said,” First request and then attack.” He even tried to justify him by saying that he has brought this topic of preventing demolishing of the building in front of IMC but despite his appeal, they sent their men to destroy the building. So he jumped into the situation and lost his temper when they weren’t listening to him.
However, he did not admit that he hit the civic official and said that he has mere oblivion of what he did. And even said that he was being dragged out of the building all the time. He also alleged that the officers dragged the women residents and verbally abused one of them.
An FIR has been registered against Mr. Vijayavargiya and he has been booked for assault and obstructing a public servant from performing their duties. The police have also taken the statements of the two civic body officials.
Editing/Navdeep kaur