Today the information superhighway is vastly changing. The internet is revolutionizing the way we communicate with each...
Online stalkers can be anyone. They can be someone you know or someone that is a complete...
Did some gorgeous model send you a friend request on Facebook? You search your memory but can’t...
Facebook has become the Google of social networks. If you’re not updating your status right now, chances...
Changing Trends In The Way We Watch Television Article By: Priyatam Bhardwaj Modern...
Sec354D Article by:-mahima nayyar This section brings into light the act of staking .Generally Stalking is unwanted...
SEC 509 Article by:-mahima nayyar This section is basically to protect...
Cruelty against women with legal provisions of Indian Evidence Act,1872. Article by:-Ashi kaim INTRODUCTION When...
Millions of users use dating sites, social networking sites, and chat rooms to meet people. And many...
It’s very important for parents to have control over minors’ Internet interactions and psychological education. This will...