February 23, 2025

8 thoughts on “Obscenity Indian Law

  1. The article shows what obscenity is but how it’s connected with cyber space. With pornography , obscenity is also getting virtual these days. Any publication of obscene material in cyber space or on internet will be online obscenity . Certain applications are very serious about this and take content down that promotes obscenity such as instagram or tiktok. It immediately deleted any picture or video which is obscene in nature .

  2. Obscenity, no doubt is cybercrime and must be demotivated. Though people are aware that illicit content promoting vulgarity and pornography are subject to strict actions, yet this is openly circulate it. There are pages on instagram that promote such pornography material, though they have private accounts but things as such leave a bad impression on people specially on teenagers, where women are a subject to vulgarity. Social media influence and shape people’s outlook to a great extent ,if such obscene things are curculated online, it will only make women and even men more vulnerable to sexual crimes. People should be made aware of the legal actions that can be taken against them, if they propogate such ideas online.

  3. The term obscene is very vague and hard to describe. Also, what is obscene to someone may not be obscene to another person. It’s very subjective. Adding to that is the fundamental right to speech and expression. What would happen if people thought Michaelangelo’s paintings and sculptures to be obscene? They tried to fix his painting and ruined the masterpiece in the process. It all comes down to an individual level.

  4. It lacks in some areas like this article is unable to establish the link between obscenity and cyber crime.
    It defines what is obscenity in a proper and informative way.
    Internet is an easy way to circulate obscene material among people and that’s why strong cyber laws should be made to avoid the circulation of such data.

  5. The article has deeply described the term “obscenity” in Indian law by citing cases and judgement. How this word got different definitions and understandings with changing time.

  6. Term obscenity is very wide. It depends on time, place, and society that what could be obscene and what cannot be called as obscene. Utmost care should be followed by the courts while making such decisions because it is matter of not one but the whole society.

  7. Obscenity is an infringement to the right to live with dignity of the person and further of course it is a wider concept to understand. This article explains the status of this shameful crime in the Indian legal system. It further explains very nicely about the Hicklin test and the relevant case laws. The laws regarding these crimes need to be more stringent.

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