The 21st century is a digital century. Today media is a great influencer and a powerholder to manipulate one’s perspective. Earlier newspapers, magazines, books, Journals, and radios were the main source of information. But now as time has elapsed, the modes have changed.
Same reporters, same cameraman, same writer but a different platform. This platform is the new media or Internet journalism. Its the fastest emerging media where anybody from any part of the world, anytime can give his opinions. Here any news spreads like gasoline catching fire, be it a positive or negative opinion. It is another platform of debate.
It is one of the most expressive organs of media. The kind of information which is imparted decides whether it is a boon or bane for the readers.
As it is the fastest source to spread information, it is considered as a boon for the intellects or for the general public. It is the best source for anybody who wants to be ever updated with facts and figures. It is emerging as a new platform for discussion and covers everything to be it starting from lifestyle news to political news.
But as all that glitters isn’t gold, it also faces some setbacks. For instance, it is an emerging ground for spreading fake news. Today everybody has the freedom to post their opinions on the internet. Sometimes these opinions are misinterpreted and become a cause of fake news.
Not everybody takes into account the code of conduct of the news. The worthiness of news is not maintained and leads to future conflicts.
So one should check and search for any topic before spreading any information. These days Socal Media is a common target for the faker to spread spam. It’s important that one should contact the sources to know about the worthiness of the situation.
Prior to any action, one should think about the reaction which will emerge.