How astrology and astronomy two different things

Oh, how natural it seems that astrology and astronomy are the same things. Maybe they sound same and yes both belong to the common root but today there is an important distinction between astrology and astronomy. So, let’s move on to the scientific definitions- astronomy is the study of universe and its contents outside the earth’s atmosphere that is it studies about positions, motions and properties of celestial objects whereas astrology studies how these positions and motions affects human and events. For several million of years the main motivation of improvement in astronomical theories was to improve astrological predictions.
Astrology was a part of mainstream science till late 1600’s. but one day Issac Newton found that celestial objects affect earth in a different manner. Say, an apple fallen from a tree does not go upwards due to some celestial body forces. From that day, astronomy became totally a different subject.
ASTROLOGY is now considered as pastime and pseudoscience. Though, people consider astrologers before going or doing any things.
Want to know why astrology is still so popular? Senior editor Alan MacRobert explains this in Sky and Telescope’s focal point column-
Before arguing with people who believe in astrology about physics vs astrology you should know how it works. He describes his story “When I was in elementary school, I practiced a form of divination that you could call bazooka Mancy. Back then, Bazooka Joe bubble gum was popular. It came wrapped in a little comic strip about Bazooka joe and its gang. The wrappers were on the ground wherever kids littered. As everyone knew, when you stopped you asked it a question. Then you picked it up and read it.
The comic was permeable that answered your question. Often you must look mighty hard to get your answer. But if you looked hard enough, it was always there”. He described his story to two of his astrologers friends and they said him “Yeah! You got it” and that is how astrology is not only related to planets and celestial objects. If you want to focus only on celestial objects you should have your main concern on astronomy, astrology is far different than this.
So, you got the main difference, right?
Both can relate to a dead human and a living human. Astronomy deals with the dead body that is studying how it works and understanding rules whereas astrology deals with the soul of living human that is it not only deals with the body but deals with how it is used to explain human usefulness.
Yoga was considered as much more efficient to health in past days. But when aerobic exercise came it became more popular scientifically. After many years now we are at the stage when yoga is again the best thing to make you fit. Old things never fade right? That is how astrology is.
Astronomy will deal with how moon positions itself, how it moves and other rules about it. But, if you know moon is considered as the significant of the water, water can be found in our body, it can be found in our eyes= tears. So, you can see emotions from moon position with proof with the help of charts. Therefore, moon is a significator for all issues of human life.
Our ancient astrologers were astronomers too at that day. But they used astronomy to know how it affects human life. Back 2000 years ago our astrologers used to call earth “Bhoogol” means round. Galileo and Copernicus found it later.
Why astronomy is a science, but astrology isn’t?
As mentioned earlier astronomy deals with celestial objects and science community accepted it as a part of science. Though, astrology emerged from astronomy, but astrologers haven’t given answer to satisfy science community and that is why it still doesn’t come under science.
Today astronomy and astrology both uses computer science but in a different way. Astrologers use computers to make charts and design charts so that they can make horoscope predictions. Astronomy uses computer to make maps to know about celestial object present in the atmosphere.
We will not find what history they have we should just know that both were sisters. But now science accepted astronomy. Astrology still does not come under science. Astronomy uses scientific ways to get to a solution to anything which astrology doesn’t and that’s why it’s a pseudoscience. It just watches sky to know human events.
Today we know more about planets, sun and moon as physical bodies. It is very hard to believe that how can our future be affected with the positions of soon, moon and planets when we were born. Therefore, there is no gravitational force or any other force that can do that and that is why astrologers have to say that its some invisible force that does this and therefore it isn’t science. Science talks about facts and figures.
There is always a contradiction between astrology and astronomy. Science never fails in making astrology false. But, there may be something that we don’t know and therefore people still consider astrologers before doing anything.
Article By Damini
Editing By Mahima Gupta