Women are placed in a very high platform where she is regarded as supreme and is worshiped like a goddess but the crime against her is extreme, unaccounted for and more brutal now than ever before.In 21st century women are offend portrayed as sex object and are treated inferior to men,due to this mentality men consider that they shouldn’t be penalized for those crimes.Cyber crime can be one of the crime that aids the criminals ,through hiding thier identity and allows them to exploit the advantages of internet interface and make it a disadvantage for those fellow users.
The digital world in itself has a computer generated simulation where anybody can stow away or even phony his character, this endowment of web is utilized by the criminally disapproved to perpetrate unjust demonstrations and afterward cover up under the sweeping given by the web.
Women every second are exposed and are trapped in the online podiums where she is constantly subjected for her dignity and security,which is contested every moment.These criminals use technology as a gateway to target and defame women by sending whatsapp messages,obscene images,stalking women through various media platform such as
Instagram,whatsapp,facebook and twitter and even bulling them by threatening them with comments and emails that affects women deeply.
The worst form cybercrime is developing pornographic videos and contents without the user’s consent.Morphing those women images to create sexual content by using various software.Women are often not able to report these crimes due to social embarrassment in reality women should lodge an immediate complain, and warn the abusers that strong legal action protects women at all costs.
This form of crime harms the mental functioning of women, because it causes them a traumatic effect that can be beyond repair. Those scars remain with them forever but they can fight against them when they take action against those criminals.
These crimes have also put thousands of women into various health conditions such as depression,hypertension,anxiety,heart diseases,diabetes and thyroid ailments.
Article By : Salvi Veronica Tete