Cybercrime is one of biggest problem for the e–commerce industry. Millions of rupees, personal data theft every year from the internet. Cyber-crimes are the hurdles in the road of success of online business. This paper draws attention to the various problems, cause of the cyber-crime and prevention for the same.
The concept of Common Ownership:
The fact that the e-commerce industry in India has grown in size and scale cannot be denied. This has attracted investments from foreign players in the industry. The widespread occurrence of common ownership of firms that compete in the product market, or horizontal shareholding, in this form, is relatively new and has not yet attracted a policy or enforcement action from the agencies. In order to reduce their risk, foreign investors diversify their portfolio by investing in competing firms to maximize returns, thus leading to consolidating tendencies. Their de facto control over the management of the company could weaken the competitiveness of the company against other target companies under their control.
Given how contemporary the issue at hand is, there has been no legislative or executive intervention, or any policy measures taken for the same. However, due to its dynamism, it has been dealt with in recent case laws by the courts in India.
Paradigm Shift in India:
This issue has been loosely dealt with, in a recent judgment by the Competition Commission of India, in the case of Meru Travel Solutions Ltd v. ANI Technologies. The petitioners in the case raised concerns over the rise in common investors through foreign investment among the responding firms, which could potentially lead to a decline in their incentives to compete, as opposed to when two competing firms are owned by separate persons. The Court referred to the ‘Theory of Harm’ which puts belief in the fact that common ownership could lead to unilateral price increases which would benefit the investors, rather than the firms, and more importantly, try and orchestrate collusions, to earn collusive profits. The Commission noted that the company “SoftBank” seems to be an active investor, and has the ability to exert material influence on both Ola and Uber. The Commission’s view was that the said theory plainly states that such a control could have potential adverse effects on competition, and the ‘material influence’ exerted by “SoftBank” ranks lowest in the hierarchy of control, as recognized under Competition Law. The Commission conceded that there could be a potential effect on competition because of common investors affecting horizontal incentives to compete, but it could not go ahead with investigations on mere speculation. It was stated that trigger point in the Competition Act, 2002 is strictly, contravention of either Section 3 or 4, both of which had not taken place at that point in time. Moreover, the Indian market has witnessed a paradigm shift from the time when a monopoly was considered per se, bad, under the MRTP Act, 1969 to the current position, wherein ‘abuse of dominant position’ is considered bad under the Competition Act, 2002. Therefore, in order to investigate against a company, existence of alleged abusive conduct is a sine qua non.
The Draft E-Commerce Policy, 2018:
The much awaited policy for e-commerce has been delayed by a period of 3 years only for the released draft to cause great agitation amongst investors, vendors and retailers who have for the first time come together, united, to go against the draft. A framework is definitely needed for standardization as well as to ensure necessities concerning digital transactions in India including fair price in the country’s digital marketplace are met with.
The draft E-Commerce Policy, 2018 seems to be a positive development in the sector which is a result of suggestions that have been received from industrial players and various industrial bodies. This is an indicator that the government is interested in consulting with other players in the sector to ensure that there is a policy that contemporarily meets the needs of the market and is dynamic enough to adapt to the vibrant economy of India. That being said, this draft policy has its own set of boons and banes.
The draft policy states that deep discounting has affected offline sales in a negative manner and that unregulated discounts must be brought to an end. It also states that direct or indirect influence on the price or sale of products and service of an online retailer may not be allowed to any group company investing in the online retailer. This move can lead to complete restriction on e-tailers from giving deep discounts. Business decisions should not be micromanaged this way.
To tax or not to tax?
It seems as though Flipkart and Amazon are facing heat from the IT Department as well. In a ruling regarding the treatment of “discounts” or marketing expenses by Flipkart, the Commissioner of Income Tax had ruled that they are to be regarded as capital expenditures, as they are used to establish their brand in the market. This means that it cannot be deducted from revenue and must be amortized over 4-7 years in their books. Prior to this ruling, many e-commerce firms that engage in deep discounts have been treating their promotional expenses as “revenue expenditure”, which would ultimately result in losses, thus exempting them from the 30% tax bracket. However, experts are of the view that the ruled reclassification will be a step forward to turn these firms profitable.
But in a huge turn of events, the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore Branch in the case M/S Flipkart India Private Ltd. v, Assistant Commissioner of Income overturned the reclassification and allowed them to be classified as revenue expenditure as these marketing expenses are quintessential to retain market share.
Even though the decision can be appealed, it may have added fuel to the already ravenous fire, that seeks to enforce a sunset clause on deep discounting.
Contrasting Position in the United States of America:
It is pertinent to note that the threshold limits in USA are somewhat different. Pre-merger notification requirements as elaborated in the Clayton Act, with specific reference to Section 7, can be analyzed under three facets [2] :
- The provision is triggered when an acquisition takes place, through shares or assets.
- The illegality of the acquisition must be proved based on the effect it can have on competition, but remains silent on the actual mechanism through which competition is actually dampened. Thus, it matters more that a structural analysis proves that an ill-effect on competition is likely to occur. [3]
- It applies to both complete and partial acquisitions.
Section 7 grants an exemption to acquisitions made “solely for investment purposes” to preclude investments made by passive investors who do not control the company, from antitrust analysis. However, Courts have interpreted the provision to mean that, the degree of control is not the real test, but the ability to influence firm behavior. Thus, “passive investors” are capable of raising concerns despite their lack of control. The US Courts have also recognized the possibility for such acquisitions to turn unlawful, even if they were initially “solely for investment purposes” and lawful [4].
Further, in another case, the Courts clarified their position that the ambit of “control” and stated that a lack of control in a partial-acquisition does not exempt the acquirer from penal action as under Section 7. Thus, the US antitrust regulators have received a license to probe cross-shareholding, even when the controlling stakes are low [5].
It thus becomes clearer that the passive investment exemption is untenable for institutional investors, as they are likely to demand corporate governance and voting rights in their target companies, in order to safeguard their investments [6].
Unlike in the case of India, the U.S only contemplates a potential decrease in competition which is a much more liberal approach and is thus more accommodative of a new age problem like that of common ownership.
The Way Forward
As stated earlier, a policy that phases out discounts will not be fruitful for the Indian economy. Such unregulated restrictions would do more harm than good.
India has a free market model, i.e. a free economy and free trade. The government instructing how a company should be run would be against the basic structure of a free market. The market in India must operate with minimum governmental intervention to maintain the free economy model. The government’s role is to ensure that there is a balance in the economy, so that the global investor community is not deterred.
On the other hand, the Indian economy is also centered on promoting Indian entrepreneurship. The draft e-commerce policy in this sense, could be extremely fruitful potentially having a positive impact on protecting entrepreneurs in India. In order to sustain the height of the economy as it is today, ensuring that there is no deterrence of foreign investors is must, as it has had tremendous impact on India’s growth. Such balance is needed now, more than ever.
The concept of differential voting rights can also be brought into picture via the e-commerce policy for foreign investors. This could potentially bring about the balance that is needed. As per Section 43(a)(ii) of the Companies Act, 2013, a company incorporated under the laws of India and limited by shares is permitted to have equity shares with differential voting rights as part of its share capital. In order to protect Indian entrepreneurs, differential voting rights can be given, restricting the amount of control that could be exercised by foreign investors, so that it does not exceed the control of the Indian investors. And as the Companies Act, 2013 allows the same, this would not be a new concept that is brought into play but a measure that has been in place and worked for years. This would be an effective and efficient means to regulate the control of foreign investors as it only has to be applied now.
The e-commerce policy as of now, does not focus on the issue of common ownership. It is safe to say that foreign investment would help the Indian economy as results of positive growth can be traced to the same. To ensure that there is regulation, a Non-Compete Clause should be made mandatory in Investor Agreements ensuring that an investor does not invest in more than two competitors in the same industry, to an extent where material control could be exercised over the companies and thus, checking the possibilities of collusive profits through unwarranted mergers.
E-commerce is still new, regardless of its growth. The imposition of any restrictions at this stage would be restrictive and inhibit the sector from reaching its possible potential. To facilitate the same and ensure efficiency, regulatory mechanisms are needed.
Having differential voting rights for foreign investors and recognizing the concept of common ownership, which has historically showcased the tendency to obtain collusive profits, could be a step forward to ensure such regulation along with the inclusion of a non-compete clause in investor agreements.
Absolutely true and quite helpful article!!!
E-commerce is still new, paying little mind to its development. The inconvenience of any limitations at this stage would be prohibitive and restrain the area from arriving at its conceivable potential. To encourage the equivalent and guarantee productivity, administrative systems are required.Having differential democratic rights for outside speculators and perceiving the idea of basic proprietorship, which has verifiably exhibited the propensity to get conniving benefits, could be a stage forward to guarantee such guideline alongside the incorporation of a non-contend condition in financial specialist understandings.
Amazingly written. Cyber crime is increasing with the pace of time and it gets very necessary for all of us to maintain proper prevention. Writer here has very nicely and clearly mentioned the common prevention. Also, i found it very intresting that the websites on which the complaint could be done is attached , making it easy for the readers.
Great wok.
The article is informative and the case laws are really helpful, Thanks to the Author.
The Paradigm shift, To tax or not to tax, E-Commerce policy drafting, and the contrasting position in the United States of America are very well explained. Nowadays everyone uses E-Commerce, it has become a part of this new generation and people must be aware of what actually happened and this article provides insights about everything.
The detailed information about e-commerce mentioned in the article provides a great knowledge. Though it’s just the beginning e-commerce plays an important role. The article mentions the draft of e-commerce clearly. The information provided about the draft e-commerce policy is really good. The impacts online shopping has on the market outside is plainly brought forth. The effects of e commerce on the economy of the country is neatly presented. I personally feel that for a beginner in these type of news, this article is highly informative.
Great work.
This article gives an in-depth knowledge about e-commerce business and laws related to it. A very good read to increase one’s knowledge about e-commerce laws.
The article highlights some of the problems with e-commerce websites, which are on a rise in the present advanced world, and also explains the problem of common ownership, with the help of case law. It also sheds light upon the possible tax invasion by these payers of online market, and elaborates upon the position in the United States. The author also talks about how the Draft e-commerce Bill can is a good measure to regulate the sector and suggests some alternative solutions. A very interesting read!
Perfect is the word that must be used for this article, the author has done commendable research and hard work on the article and it is clearly visible. The formatting of the article, is the most attractive part of it. The article is very informative and detailed.
very knowledgeable article about the cyber crime and their precautions, also gives the guidelines to protect from cyber crimes.
The detailed information provided in this article is much appreciated. it covers many legislations including Company Act and Competition Act which governs the e- commerce industry. Without proper legislations, the E- commerce industry is prone to cyber attacks just like any other industry in the world.
E-Commerce, it has become a part of this new generation and to protect it precautions are important
this article concisely explained the relation between e-commerce and cyber crime .how useful these online businesses are and cyber crime is a pebble which every time disrupts the smooth functioning of the business the explanation done on the topic is informative and tells about the hardship of a business due to cyber crime topics explained through case law making it easier to understand.a well researched article
Wonderfully drafted article. The article has completely covered every aspect of the topic. The effect put into this article is admirable. The e-commerce law in India is beautifully explained by the writer. The vast knowledge of the writer is visible in this article. Overall an article worthy of praise.
Nice article, the main attraction of the article is the bullet where the author talks about the scenario of the topic in the United States of America, which allows the reader to get a wider aspect of the topic and also may help the reader in doing comparative analysis of the topic between India and USA.
The article is informative, i.e., puts forth all the information one needs to know the topic, which is, E- Commerce law in India.
It was really amazing article. It gives all the relavent information about E-COMMERCE law in India.
The ideal situation would be to have all digital businesses governed only by central law. But that may require Constitutional amendments. In the meantime, a mechanism should be envisaged in the policy to enable centre and state governments to formulate uniform policies across the country for e-commerce platforms, irrespective of the matter being a state subject. This will help in shaping the role of the government as a facilitator and give further boost to e-commerce in India.
E-commerce is an inseparable part of internet. Growing of internet has also lead to the growth of e-commerce. It has entered in the stage of its rapid development. Almost every kind of business is being conducted via the modes of e-commerce.
By the help of e-commerce we can have every kind of business without having any infrastructure, large number of employees, etc.
But it is also a bitter truth that everything which is having a good part also has a bad part. E-commerce is very useful but it has also some worst or negative side. There are various cases of fraud, misrepresentation, etc through the use of internet.
This article very well explain the when concept.
this article gives all the information related to the e-commerce law in india. e-commerce, refers to the Internet based industry of buying and selling products or services via electronic means.
For compliance and Data an e-commerce business has to follow guidelines including:
– Having a privacy policy
– Obtaining user consent for collecting the above information
– Having provision for a user to opt out
– Maintaining reasonable security control and measures to prevent unauthorized access and misuse of such data and information
It was really amazing article. It gives all the relavent information about E-COMMERCE law in India.
The ideal situation would be to have all digital businesses governed only by central law. But that may require Constitutional amendments. In the meantime, a mechanism should be envisaged in the policy to enable centre and state governments to formulate uniform policies across the country for e-commerce platforms, irrespective of the matter being a state subject
In the era of technological advancement and being in lockdown due to the effect of covid-19 every public at large are using the online platform for buying and many organization trying to sell there products. And more number of people involved in e-commerce there is chance that more the cases of online fraud will be deduced.
wow what a draft,i mean its so explanatory and educative that one doesnot even need to look into the books after reading this since it provides whatever we need:
1-identifies the problem
2-discuss the problem
3-what’s the cause of the problem
4-comparing it with some reasonable scenarios
5-introducing a way forward and the conclusion
i am proud to read this amazing piece.
A well written article with excess of knowledge of author .Under this article the paradigm shift is totally a new topic for me glad to know about it from such a high quality content.
The article perfectly explains the changes that has occurred in E-Commerce till now with a future perspective. The author has done a great job by comparing it with USA and backing the information up with various case-laws. A conscious reading of this article helps the reader to understand the challenges faced by e-commerce industries in India and prospective solutions.
This is probably one of the best written and most comprehensive article I have read here so far.
Very well written, this article gives an in-depth knowledge about e-commerce business and laws related to it.