5G EXPANDS CYBER RISKS BY – VATSAL LAKDAWALA The new capabilities made possible by new applications riding...
Social Media
ETHICAL ISSUES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA By- Sangini Singhal Information ethics has been defined as “the...
AI AND PATENT LAW As rightly said by John McCarthy, Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering...
INDIA AND CHINA BY – VATSAL LAKDAWALA In recent times China is the most discussed in India...
CONSTITUTIONALITY OF INTERNET SHUTDOWN By- Arpita Goyal Internet has become an indispensible part of our lives and...
ISSUES RELATED TO CLOUD SECURITY BY – VATSAL LAKDAWALA Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of...
OTT platform and it’s legalities in India By – Paricha Goyal The first dependent Indian OTT platform...
FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL COPYRIGHTS – BY SANGEETA KHICHI Firstly let us understand about what is copyright: ~Copyright...
CYBER JIHAD AND RADICALISTAION With the increase in the advancement of communication and technology, everyone around...
WhatsApp hijacking: Stay Alert! By- Sangini Singhal Delhi police Cyber Crime division is floating WhatsApp users to...